تمثل السياحة في الوقت الحالي صناعة من أهم الصناعات الرائجة التي تشكل قوة اقتصادية هامة في القرن الحادي و العشرين، فهي تنافس في أهميتها كل من صناعتي الاتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات اللتين تحتلان مرتبة هامة في اقتصاديات معظم البلدان لما تشكلانه من قوة اقتصادية دافعة، و انطلاقاً من ذلك كانت دراسة الطلب السياحي أحدى أهم المحددات الأساسية العامة للسياحة.
فالطلب السياحي هو أحد المؤشرات الأساسية التي يمكن من خلاله التنبؤ بإحدى روافد الاقتصاد الوطني المهمة. فمقدار تطور الطلب على السياحة يعطينا مؤشراً على توفر دخل قومي جديد و موارد اقتصادية جديدة يمكن استخدامها في تطوير القطاعات المختلفة للدولة. كما أن العمل على إيجاد اتجاه عام للسياحة يساعد في بناء خطط مستقبلية صحيحة و ذات فعالية في تطوير القطاع السياحي و القطاعات المختلفة الأخرى في الدولة كونها فيما بنها ارتباطاً وثيقاً، و هذا ما سنلاحظه من خلال هذ البحث بالإضافة إلى وجود تأثر واضح في عائدات السياحة نتيجة التغيرات السياسية و الأمنية في المنطقة.
Nowadays, tourism represents an important popular industry which forms an
important economic power in the twenty-first century. It is competes both communication
and information technology industries, which occupy a high place in the economies of
most countries as they enhance these economies. Therefore, the study of demand on
tourism was one of the most important tourism determines.
Demand on Tourism is one of the basic indications that forecasts one of the
important branches of national economic. The development of demand on tourism refers to
a new available source of national income and new economic resources that could be used
in developing different government sectors. Moreover, working to find general direction of
tourism helps to make future plans which are effective and fruitful in developing tourism
and other sectors because of they are strongly associated. In this search, we'll realize a the
effect of political and security changes in the region on the income of tourism.
References used
Damodar, N. Gujarati, Basic Econometrics - third edition, USA, 1995
Song, Haiyan; F. Witt, Stephen; Tourism Demand Modelling and Forecasting- Modern Econometric Approaches - Massey University at Albany, New Zealand, 2000, page 3
F. Androcka, Days Inn Franchisees Share Secrets of Success: Hotel & Motel Management, vol. 212, No. 14,1997
This study aimed at using Multi-Variables Analysis in classifying household
spending in Syria and identifying which of the social factors considered in the study
influence significantly this classification and which do not.
The most prominent resu
Foreign direct investment FDI has been started to play a major role in supporting the
growth of the economies of developing countries since the eighties of the last century,
taking advantage of the rapid spread of information and communication tech
This research studied the use of taxes in Syria as an important tool in influencing one of the variables important economic (consumption) between the years (2000-2010). These taxes and fees are used (for example) to support an increase in the consump
The Theme Of this research mainly focuses on the effects of foreign trade liberalization on the trade balance for agricultural sector in Syria , after conducting an analytical study of the reality of this sector . And that’s due to its importance and
There are many ideas that come to the mind and many questions that keep coming
to the mind when it comes to analyzing the phenomenon of using the methods and tools to
help in the planning and making appropriate decisions.
In this research we tried