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إسهام أول قاض سوري في قضايا نظرتها محكمة العدل الدولية صلاح الدين ترزي ( 1917-1980 )

1087   0   87   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
أبو الوفا، أحمد، الوسيط في القانون الدولي العام، الطبعة الثانية، دار النهضة العربية، 1998
الخاني، عبد الله فكري، المحاكم الدولية والحضور السوري والعربي، الطبعة الأولى، دار . النفائس، دمشق، 2009
BRETTON (Ph.), « L’affaire des « otages » américains devant la Cour International de Justice », Journal de Droit International, 107 année, n° 4, Octobre - Novembre - Décembre, 1980
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The international court of justice is the main judicial body to the United Nations. It functions whereby a statute، which is considered an integral part of the Charter of the United Nations، and the court leads a role represented in resolving legal disputes raised by member states، and providing advisory opinions in those legal issues referred to the court by United Nations bodies and authorized specialized agencies.
Eloquence critical is part of old Arabic critical and it is artistic level wich the language is looking for to many levels in general meaning and in literature language in particular . Eloquence critical is attempt to discover literature Values an d beauty in literature texts neither poetic text nor prose text In critical , there is have to result critical decision it is depend on eloquence and rhetoric . In the fiest century , the old critic was alat of major know ledge at imaginations , photo and advantages . thow out approach of creation texts and analysis of elements In the first centurycriticaldidn,t know , that content of also old century . Alsafadyreperesnts of one of critic in eight of the Hegira Century which enter in square of the critical . Alsafady is belive in eloquence and help to have one of means sources . He was ahmempt to discover literature values and beauty to many colours and eloquence phenomenons . That he was pass bay during his explaines and his transtation . He was eloquence know ledge to mention colour it is comment in this . And there are many connected refer to benefit and literature value to many this know phenomenons . Al safady realizes this know ledge splendor speaking have colour in literature work which is necessariy to mony need in literature expression In the same time he was find side in self reader that is basis side in invention process.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل قضية لوكربي في ضوء العلاقة بين مجلس الأمن و محكمة العدل الدولية. فمن خلال النظر إلى جزئيات أزمة لوكربي يتضح لنا مدى الصراع بين المؤسسات و الأجهزة الدولية و مدى تأثير القوى العظمى و خاصة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في آلية ع مل هذه المؤسسات. فعلى الصعيد القانوني، و من الناحية النظرية هنالك العديد من المواثيق و المعاهدات الدولية التي تؤكد و تبين جهات الاختصاص في فض النزاعات الدولية.
Golden shares emerged in the beginning of 1980s in Great Britain, the main objective of golden shares was and remains the protection of a State's strategic interests in the privatized public companies from falling into the undesirable hands of foreig n or domestic, and due to the practical usefulness this legal technical has moved to the French privatization program, and from it to many of the privatization's legislation in the world but legal existence of these shares have been recent threatened by the judgment of the European Court of Justice which ruled to cancel many of these shares in more than one country under the pretext of violation of the Treaty on European Union and in particular the provisions relating to the free movement of capital and freedom of establishment of companies. Therefore, we will discuss in this research the concept of Golden share and its legal framework, and then consides the judgments of the European Court of Justice, and analyze then up to the standards set by to the permissible golden share at the European level.
تتناول هذه الدراسة التعريف بالسلطة التقديرية التي تتمتَّع بها الإدارة في أثناء ممارستها للنشاط الإداري، و بيان عناصر التقدير في القرار الإداري، و هما عنصرا السبب و المحل، و كذلك بيان النظريات و المبادئ العامة التي أقرها القضاء الإداري في رقابته على ت صرفات الإدارة المبنية على السلطة التقديرية، و هي نظرية الخطأ الظاهر في التقدير، و عدم الملاءمة الظاهرة، و مبدأ الموازنة بين المنافع و الأضرار، و مبدأ التناسب.

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