ظهرت الأسهم الذهبية أول مرة في بداية الثمانينيات من القرن المنصرم في برنامج الخصخصة البريطانية, و كان هدفها الرئيس - و ما زال - حماية المصالح الإستراتيجية للدولة في الشركات العامة التي تجري خصخصتها من الوقوع في أيادٍ أجنبية أو محلية غير مرغوب فيها، و نظراً إلى فائدتها العملية فقد انتقلت هذه التقنية القانونية إلى برنامج الخصخصة الفرنسي، و منه إلى العديد من تشريعات الخصخصة العالمية و العربية إلا أن هذه الأسهم قد تعرضت مؤخراً لتهديد وجودها القانوني من خلال أحكام محكمة العدل الأوربية التي قضت بإلغاء العديد من هذه الأسهم في أكثر من
دولة بحجة خرقها لمعاهدة الاتحاد الأوربي و لاسيما النصوص المتعلقة بحرية انتقال رؤوس الأموال و حرية تأسيس الشركات.
و على ذلك، ناقش هذا البحث مفهوم السهم الذهبي و إطاره القانوني، و من ثم عرض أحكام محكمة العدل الأوربية، و حلَّلها وصولاً إلى المعايير التي وضعتها للسهم الذهبي المباح قانوناً على الصعيد الأوربي.
Golden shares emerged in the beginning of 1980s in Great Britain, the main objective of golden shares was and remains the protection of a State's strategic interests in the privatized public companies from falling into the undesirable hands of foreign or domestic, and due to the practical usefulness this legal technical has moved to the French privatization program, and from it to many of the
privatization's legislation in the world but legal existence of these shares have been recent threatened by the judgment of the European Court of Justice which ruled to cancel many of these shares in more than one country under the pretext of violation
of the Treaty on European Union and in particular the provisions relating to the free movement of capital and freedom of establishment of companies.
Therefore, we will discuss in this research the concept of Golden share and its legal framework, and then consides the judgments of the European Court of Justice, and analyze then up to the standards set by to the permissible golden share at the European level.
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The international court of justice is the main judicial body to the United Nations. It
functions whereby a statute، which is considered an integral part of the Charter of
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The subject of the option exchange of important issues in the jurisprudence of
financial transactions, as it falls under the jurisprudence of the options associated
with Palmtbaiein and needs of Islamic banks in their commercial transactions, as
This research tries to examine the concept of self within the framework of modern
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Insurance companies have very huge money because of its
insurance activity, so they have to invest this money in many different
suitable channels, to save this money and increased it without any
Civilization is the outcome of the efforts of all nations without ethnic or sectarian conditions for their creation. The exchange and friction between these civilizations is through conquest, migration, trade and neighborliness. , And civilization in