تتمثل أسس المقارنة بشكل رئيسي في مقارنة الضياعات الحقلية و المقنن المائي الصافي، فضلاً عن مقارنة أهم المؤشرات الاقتصادية و هي: رأس المال الموظف و رأس المال الاستثماري.
من خلال مقارنة الضياعات الحقلية و المقنن المائي الصافي يتبين أن طريقة الري بالتنقيط تتقدم على طريقة الري بالرش تليهما طريقة الري السطحي (الري بالأثلام)، أما من ناحية مقارنة الكلفة التأسيسية و رأس المال الاستثماري فإن الري بالرش يتقدم على الري بالتنقيط يليهما الري السطحي (الري بالأثلام).
فإذا أخذنا بالحسبان التركيب المحصولي للمنطقة، إِذ تبلغ نسبة محصول القمح وفقاً للدورة الزراعية ( 56.24 %) الذي يتعذر ريه بالتنقيط، فضلاً عن ضرورة تشكيل تيار مائي غاسل معاكس للتيار المائي الصاعد بالخاصة الشعرية نتيجة قرب المياه
الجوفية المالحة، فإننا نجد طريقة الري بالرش هي الطريقة المثلى لهذه المنطقة.
Principally the main bases for comparison are to compare the field losses with the net water requirement
in addition to that a comparison should be carried out between the most important financial indicators i.
e. the used capital and the investment capital.
Comparing field losses to the net water requirement, it appears that drip irrigation methods come first
then comes sprinkler irrigation and after surface irrigation (furrow irrigation), but from comparing the
basic cost to financial investment, it appears that sprinkler irrigation precedes drip irrigation followed by
surface irrigation (furrow irrigation).
If we take into consideration the crop composition in the region where wheat crop, according to the crop
rotation reaches 56.24% and which is impossible to irrigate by the drip method, in addition to the
necessity of forming a washing stream of water opposing the rising water stream by capillarity caused by
the proximity of saline underground water, we found out that irrigation by sprinkling is the optimum
method for this region.
References used
Aidarov I.P., Golovanov A.I., Mamaev M.G.; Orositelyn Melioratsii, «Kolos» izdanie vtoroe, Moskva, 1982
SNiP (stroitel'nye normy i pravila) 2.06.03-85. Meliorativnye sistemy i sooruzheniya
CHichasov V. YA., Izyumov V.V., Nosenko V.F., SHtokalov D.A..Tehnika poliva sel'skohozyaistvennyh kul'tur. Moskva Kolos, 1970 g
The research work based on an economical study on sugarbeet crop in Deir
Ezzor during the period (١٩٨٠–١٩٩٦) and the prospective horizons of it
through the cultivated area, yield and total production in order to know the
extent of cultivation deve
This experiment was conducted during ١٩٩٦-١٩٩٨ to ivestigate study the
effect of using different types of irrigation water on some soil properties and its
cotton, corn and wheat productivity under the agroclimatic conditions of Deir
The research aimed to measure the economic and technical efficiency
using analysis of the random border production function (Stochastic Frontier
Analysis) for cotton farms irrigated by surface immersion way in Qamishli
district in Al Hassakah prov
A field experiment was conducted on sandy loam soil under the irrigation
conditions in Deir- ezzor during the years of ١٩٩٨ and ١٩٩٩ to study effect of
planting time and seed rate on growth and productivity of tow varieties of rape
crop Brasica napous var. oleifera (Bromin & VEM).
Experiments were conducted on field (2014) for knowing the effect
of nitrogenous fertilizers (Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, Ammonium
Sulfate) in increased concentrations with
two ways of fertilization (Scattered, local) in growth of the young
Beet plan