لا بدّ لكلّ علم من علوم الإنسانية من وضع مصطلحات تخصّه ، ينفرد بها عن غيره من العلوم وفق منهج واضح يفسّرها و يشرح ألفاظها ، تشكّل في نهاية المطاف تعريفات جامعة مانعة ، لها شروطها و أحكامها و ضوابطها تُعرفُ باسم الحدود .
تطمحُ الدراسة الآتية إلى تعريف القرّاء بملامح الوعي النقدي لمصطلح الحدود النحوية ، حيث تتناولُها على مستويين : المستوى الأول يغطي بالدراسة مرجعية هذا المصطلح و الأسس التي يبنى عليها في الدراسات الإنسانية ، ثم يفتش عن عوامل نشأته ، و يضيء جوانب تطوّره عند أهم نحاتنا القدامى . كما يستخلص الشروط اللازمة لبناء الحدّ في النحو .
أما المستوى الثاني فيتكامل معه و يعززه بالأمثلة التطبيقية حيث يثمّن الجهود التي بذلها النحويون العرب في تشييد حدود مصطلحاتهم النحوية ، و يبين أوجه التجديد في صناعتها وفق الأسس الموضوعية و الشروط العلمية التي يرتكز عليها بناء الحد . ثم ختمت هذه الدراسة بأهم النتائج التي توصلت إليها .
Each branch of humanity sciences must have its own terminology، which differ from others according to plain method in which its vocabulary must be interpreted and explained ، eventually this vocabulary must form specific comprehensive definitions ، which has its rules and codes as we defined "limits" .
The following research aspire to define the readers with the critical awareness features of grammatical limits ، where handles through two levels:
The first level ،through its studies، covers the authority of the idiom and the bases of the human studies ، then turns to prescribe the grammatical limits ، then he looks for the elements of its growing up، and throws light on the aspects of its development by our important ancient grammatists .
Whereas the second level completes and promotes the first with practical examples in which it evaluates the efforts the Arab grammarians exert in building limits in their grammatical terminology .it shows the aspects of the renewal in its industry according to the objective rules and scientific condition limit building depends on . Thereby to seal the most important research results .
References used
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Some commentators were not satisfied with interpreting the Qur’anic verses and explaining the rulings and lessons deduced from them. Rather, they added to that by parsing the Holy Qur’an and citing the readings and syntactic directives in the verses,
The syntax is the spirit of language , the core of its movement, it is living heart.
And it is way of interpretation which is a pure mental manner . Taken by Arab Grammarians, so they gave it great effort in order to interpret the syntactic and morp
The development of Translation Technologies, like Translation Memory and Machine Translation, has completely changed the translation industry and translator's workflow in the last decades. Nevertheless, TM and MT have been developed separately until
Grammatical rules are deduced from Arabic spoken by ideally intuitive Arabic
speakers, and illustration is the spirit of the rule, endowing it with life, pleasure, and
originality. The Arabic used in illustration is that of the holy Quran, sayings
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