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The Arab Grammatical Reason of Grammatical Reference until six migration century

موقف النحويين العرب من التعليل النحوي حتى القرن السادس الهجري

1962   0   47   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The syntax is the spirit of language , the core of its movement, it is living heart. And it is way of interpretation which is a pure mental manner . Taken by Arab Grammarians, so they gave it great effort in order to interpret the syntactic and morphological bases . The following research considers the most important views of the old and modern syntax-specialists as starting point of studying the syntax – interpretations at two levels : the first Level contains concept and approach, It monitors the concept of reasoning in as, and the implications at rules of this term, the statement its motive which is based language in use . and the second level is referential . It demands its elements and the views of Arab syntax in it , and it clears its rules which was established tell the six migration century .

References used
أيوب ، عبد الرحمن . دراسات نقدية في النحو العربي . مؤسسة الصباح ، الكويت ، د . ط . ت .
باجو ، مصطفى . العلة وأجناسها عند المحدثين . دار الضياء ، القاهرة ، ط 1 , 2005
بشر، كمال . التفكير اللغوي بين القديم والجديد . دار غريب ، القاهرة ، د.ط ، 2005
ابن جني . الخصائص . تح : محمد النجار ، دار الكتب المصرية ، القاهرة ، ط 1952
ابن السراج . الأصول في النحو . تح: عبد الحسين الفتلي ، مؤسسة الرسالة ، بيروت ، ط2 , 1996
rate research

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The subject of cause in grammar is considered to be the subject most connected to methodical principles of grammar study and the earliest subject to emerge, from which emerged the grammarians' capabilities and ways of studying and analyzing the phenomena of grammar. the grammarians were affected by the method of principles which followed an intellectual approach in looking for causes related to general facts concerning Islamic law and beliefs.
This research studies the poetic necessity according to the critics who were interested in poetry, and wrote criticized books chose between poetry and poets , and classified poetry into section , depending on meaning and pronunciation . Critics em phasized the unique nature of poetry ,this uniqueness made the poets question what was against then rules making apologies for it to keep it accepted . Critics looked at poetry as another level of expression and approved it with terms and conditions , such as / shame / judgement and poetry phenomena , such of it according to necesseties , critics had different views about necessities , some refused it , and described as ugliness that fades away by words water , while others approved it . Whatever opinion have the critics about necessities , it is aphenomenon that took their attention , some wrote whole books , and others chapters . In most cases , no one called it as mistake , and the lasting effect of poetry that has necessities keep it approved .
The country Elam, one of the neighboring powers of Mesopotamia, and one of the areas of tension often, also had a significant Dorssayas in that experienced Mesopotamia of events, at least as important as the commercial and economic role, a role of RPR that fluctuate between war and peace over the years, and will deliver search more light on the side of the activity of the kings of the Assyrians a hundred and fifty years ago, it was characterized as a military richest in the history of Mesopotamia, in order to provide focused information on the relationship between Assyria and Elam, during the study period.
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Since language is a natural concrete phenomenon, it became a fact that language has been a matter of induction by making it go through experiment in attempt to attain the rules that can take hold of the language's partial phenomena and organize th em in general regulations, and if we observed the linguistic matter which grammarians investigated, we could find that their work involved both the complete induction and the incomplete induction according to Aristotle's induction method, but they disagreed with this method in accordance with the nature of Islamic method of thinking; therefore they had their own distinguishing method of induction.
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