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تتناول الدراسة الشاهد في النقد القديم الذي شكل جزءا له أهميته في الدراسات النقدية وقضاياه المختلفة من حيث توظيفه ودوره في تكوين الآراء والأحكام ومناقشتها
This paper tries to examine the relationship between analogy and the grammatical rule. Analogy is one of the basic principles and bases of Arabic grammar during times of rule formation and judging it. Linguists were divided in their attitude to ana logy, with some supporting it and others against it. Grammarians were more inclined toward analogy than compilers, because grammarians’ research was based on the existing similarity between words, phrases, and style used in speech reported by tellers of what had been said by the Arabs. They based their rules and origins of analogy on that similarity. Analogists transliterated some foreign terms, Arabized, and derived new words out of them in a manner similar to that done with Arabic terms. However, some grammarians went very far in their excessive use of analogy to the extent that it becomes far removed from linguistic reality to be a form riddle and guessing, leading to reaction against analogy then against grammar. Analogy became an end in itself; it overlooked its original purpose; was then manifested in rule formation of words said spontaneously.
Grammatical rules are deduced from Arabic spoken by ideally intuitive Arabic speakers, and illustration is the spirit of the rule, endowing it with life, pleasure, and originality. The Arabic used in illustration is that of the holy Quran, sayings of the Prophet as well as renowned poetic and prosaic statements by Arabs from the Jahileah period up to 150 Hizra,i.e, the end of the period of providing arguments. The term illustration is an original Arabic term that came out of Arab concern over mistakes in Arabic. The holy Quran is the source of illustrations, as it is the pillar upon which all other illustrations depend. This paper tries to study the relationship between the grammatical rule and illustrations as well as to demonstrate the motives for illustration, its mechanism, principles, and sources. It also tries to address some equivalents such as provision of argument and evidence as well as analogy.
لعل من أهم الأسباب التي دفعت المولدين لوضع الأشعار و دسها على الأئمة نصرة رأي ذهب إليه، أو توجيه كلمة ما. و قد جاء العلماء فاحتجوا ببعض هذه الأشعار ظنًا منهم أنها للعرب. فإلى أي مدى احتج بعض النحاة بالشاهد المصنوع، و ما أثر ذلك في الانتصار لرأي م عين، أو دحض آخر لضعف في الشاهد. و قد عالج البحث بعض الشواهد المصنوعة، وتناولها من جهتين. الأولى الأبيات التي يمكن الاحتجاج بها، و الثانية الأبيات التي أسقط العلماء الاحتجاج بها.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا