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الأدب و الموقف من الآخر (حي بن يقظان لابن طفيل و روبنسن كروزو لدانييل ديفو نموذجاً)

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 Publication date 2011
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
أفاية، محمد نور الدين : الغرب المتخيل، المركز الثقافي العربي، الدار البيضاء- بيروت، 2000 م .
الجابري، محمد عابد : مسألة الهوية، العروبة والإسلام..والغرب، مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، بيروت
ديفو، دانييل : روبنسن كروزو، ترجمة : أسامة إسبر، الكتاب الشهري، وزارة الثقافة، دمشق، 2007 م .
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This study aims at analyzing the poetic content of the poetry of an Omayyad poet who was born to a wealthy family which was so close to the Court. The objective of the study is to shed light on one of the most salient features of literary creativity and literary masterpieces-whether poetic or prose- which is the human essence that stimulates human creativity and the doublet of this essence, that is the Other. This study attempts to identify the most prominent subjective features in the poetry of Omar as a famous poet who became a phenomenon in the field of poetic and literary creativity through mastering flirtation poets and poetry in his era. It should be mentioned that the image of the Other in Omar’s poetry examined in this study is the image of woman which considerably resembles that image presented in the work of the majority of other poets. However, this same image varies in Omar’s poetry. Woman is represented as the chaste, beloved, and the rebellious.
The primary and the simple image of the fable's tales was a myth starting it as only an instinctive reason of scientific facts or a natural phenomenon. Those fable tales transformed from a naive starting (public life, foloklore) to literary and a scientific position. They were written them as a kind of wisdom and education, they include a moral purpose, a social lesson, educational goal or a political criticism. We mean they have a symbolic meaning. This research deals with the explainion of the political function of fable's tales symobolism and their influence upon the reader. It starts with an introduction referring to the expression form, then it talks about the critical political implications of this narrative art using the story of The Tiger and The Fox by Sahl Ibn Haroun, an example.
حاولنا في هذا البحث الربط بين الواقع التاريخي و الثقافي و بين صورة الأجنبي السائدة في النصوص الأدبية من خلال نموذج (فياض) لخيري الذهبي، و أن ننبه إلى خطورة هذا المجال في تشكيل الرأي العام، لأنه حينما ندرك ما يقبله هذا الطرف، و ما يرفضه نتمكن من إنشاء صور رائجة لديه.
هدف هذا البحث إلى مقاومة لغة التعصب، التي بدأت تجتاح حياتنا، و ذلك عن طريق فهم الذات العربية و علاقتها بالآخر، الذي هو في "ألف ليلة و ليلة" (الفارسي، الهندي، الإفرنجي، العبد، الجني) انفتحت الليالي على الآخر الفارسي، فقدمت صورة مشرقة لعظمائه (أنو شرو ان، سابور، البرامكة) و قد تم التمييز بين الأعجمي المسلم و المجوسي! كما حاولت إنصاف البرامكة المهزومين سياسياً من قبل الخليفة، فجسدت لهم صورة أقرب إلى المثال! و لعل هذه الصورة المتعاطفة دليل على أن الفرس قد شاركوا في كتابة ألف ليلة.
This study introduces a set of explanations on originality and on what revolves around the openness of the innovator to the others' culture, when inspiration is no longer found in the surrounding and the road has become blocked. However, reality-re jection spirit drives an artist to look for new ideas away from repeated and prevalent aesthetics and pushes him to search for salvation. Matisse has found salvation through his openness to other world cultures and civilizations, especially the Islamic Arab civilization from which he extracted themes going with his originaelity. The title of this study has required as to deal briefly with four issues: 1- West And East and the crisis of the western art. 2- Some aesthetic features of Islamic Arab art. 3- Who is Matisse. 4- Matisse on the in-between isthmus.
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