يقدم احتراق الوقود الهيدروكربوني في الوقت الحاضر القسم الأكبر من الطاقة اللازمة و المستهلكة في العالم خصوصاً في محركات وسائل النقل, و التي سيبقى الوقود الهيدروكربوني كما يبدو في المستقبل المنظور مصدراً وحيداً للطاقة فيها, و هذا ما يستدعي العمل على تطوير عملية احتراق الوقود في حجر الاحتراق المختلفة تماشياً مع المتطلبات البيئية المتزايدة في الآونة الأخيرة.
يعتبر هباب الفحم الناتج عن عملية الاحتراق واحداً من أهم ملوثات الوسط المحيط, و ذلك لثبات تأثيره و إمكانية تشبع السطوح الكربونية بالمواد المسرطنة شديدة الضرر. لهذا فإن البحث يقدم دراسة حول تشكل الكربون (هباب الفحم) عند احتراق الوقود في المحركات و يضع موديلاً رياضياً يصف تلك العملية المعقدة و دراسة للعوامل المختلفة المؤثرة على نشأته, حيث أمكن وضع تصور لما يمكن إجراؤه لتحسين عملية الاحتراق في المحركات بغية تحسين أدائها و تخفيف التلوث الناتج عنها.
Hydrocarbon burning nowadays has a great part of the required energy consumed in the world, mainly in the transport vehicle engines, which seems to be the main source in the future. This urges us develop the fuel burning in different internal combustion engines according to the environmental increasing requirements nowadays. The carbon fine-dust produced is the main source of the environmental pollutants, which could be considered as
the main cause of cancer. Therefore our present paper deals with the way of carbon fine dust formation during fuel burning in engines and gives a mathematical model describing that complex method, and studying the different function affecting its formation, the aim is to find a way to develop the burning process in engines and increase its working and decrease the pollution produced.
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The research aims to reach fuel conservation opportunities and environment Protection while heating the water, by comparing the most common uses of primary and secondary energy carriers in our country . For example, water heating using electricity ge
In this study, we have developed a mathematical model, which formed the basis for
the development of a digital diagnostic model, for the question of the relation between the
engine torque (and therefore power), and the clearances in the basic and s
This analysis deals with the evaluation of the fuel burnup behavior for PWR-1150
reactor assembly by modifying with changing both, the number of fuel rod which have
burnable absorber (BA) and the percent weight of BA in each rod. The achieved resul
In this study, a simulation of the MTR-22MW reactor and a study
of standard and mixed fuel combustion using the Codes GETERA
and MCNP5.
The Results of the simulation showed that the operation time of the
reactor in the case of standard fuel is 274 days and if the use of
mixed fuel is 135 days.
The study of electromagnetism in electrical machines is critical, especially in the field of
design, investment and optimal performance. To achieve this, there are many ways in which
varying degrees of accuracy . The main aim of this piece of resea