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تجريم الاعتداء على حق المؤلف الأدبي في الاحترام (دراسة مقارنة)

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
د. أبو اليزيد علي المتيت، حقوق المؤلف الأدبية، مكتبة النهضة المصرية، القاهرة، 1960.
المستشار أنور طلبة، حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية، المكتب الجامعي الحديث، الإسكندرية، 2006.
د. حسن كيرة، المدخل إلى القانون، الطبعة الخامسة، منشأة المعارف، الإسكندرية، 1974.
د. شحاتة غريب شلقامي، الحق الأدبي لمؤلف برامج الحاسب الآلي - دراسة في قانون حماية الملكية الفكرية الجديد رقم 82 لسنة 2002 ، دار الجامعة الجديدة، الإسكندرية، 2008.
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يتناول هذا البحث موضوع العقوبة المترتبة على إسقاط الجنين بالاعتداء عليه بالإجهاض، بفعـل أمه، أو بفعل غيرها، سواء أكان هذا الجنين من حمل طبيعي أم غير طبيعي (أطفـال الأنابيـب)، و يهدف هذا البحث إلى إظهار الآثار الشرعية المترتبة على هذا التصرف، أما ال إجهاض التلقـائي "الطبيعي" أو الإجهاض العلاجي "الضروري" للجنين فلا يتصف بالحلال و الحرام و لذا لا يترتب عليه حكم أو نتائج حقوقية و هو غير مراد هذا البحث و لا مداره.
The juridical person enjoys all the rights of the natural person, except the rights that accompany the human being, according to the law. This person doesn't enjoy the rights of the natural person, because of the differences of themnature. jurists agrees on the juridical person doesn't enjoy the rights that accompany the natural person, because it does fit with his objective nature which is distance from the world of feelings and senses and soul according to the psychological make - up to both of them. But there are certain rights which are still distributable judicially and juristically including the right of the author right. Although modern legislation acknowledged as being production. because mind and thought, this is restrictive to the natural person.
this study dealt with right of silence and its compomemts in Syrian law, by examining its concept and legal basis, befor talking about the way of applied in different stages of the lawsuit and the consequences of violating it, in accordance of the Syrian legislation.
Under the general rule in the proof of legal actions in the Syrian law on evidence in writing, shall not be proof of testimony only within the limits of quantitative quorum for the certificate as stipulated Syrian Evidence Act. However, evidence of proof the law has been passed to testify if required commitment exceeded the value of proven quantitative quorum of the certificate; if a literary mind if found without written guide. This study aims to indicate what the literary inhibitor; and by clarifying cases of literary inhibitor, which allows proof of testimony, also aims to demonstrate the power of the judiciary to appreciate the literary inhibitor, and the consequences of proven literary inhibitor and how to prove.
This research highlights two main approaches that are used in the most distinguished literary books in the Hijri third century: The first one is digression. This approach is based on the spontaneous transferring of the readers from a subject or idea to another without a logical connection. This approach may include a hint of confusion and a lack of methodicalness. It may also hide denotations, intentions and viewpoints that could not be made explicit. Al-Jahez (255 Hijri) is the most prominent representative of the approach in his two books (Al-Hayawan) and (Al-Bayan and Altabyeen), Al-Jahez is truly considered the real founder of digression. The second one is the approach of categorization and classification that is based on arranging the cognitive, homogeneous vocabulary and putting them within one chapter with a specific title. In his book (Uyoun Al-akhbar), Ibn Qutaibah is considered the first to begin this method by dividing his book into categories. Each of these categories include a set of partly homogeneous news. This is because he does not want to completely break away from the tradition of digression used by his predecessors. Ibn Qutaibah's work was a leading stage in the field of categorizing and classification. As for the book (Al–Kamel) by Al–Mubarred; in spite of dividing this book to chapters, it does not hold the essence of categorization, and the division was just formal.

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