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Studying the optimum conditions to use Sourdough in the production of Arabic bread

دراسة الشروط المثلى لاستخدام العجينة الحامضية في إنتاج الخبز العربي

1319   0   89   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Humans started to produce the bread for Thousands years ago; they used to prepare the dough by using fermented dough which left for many days before used, so that this fermented dough has been prepared from dough fermented by aerobic microorganisms which can attack the milling wheat. Recently the Bekar’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae produced in variable type's liquid, dry and soft which used in preparation of dough. The high cost of yeast production and limited quantity in the emergency and catastrophe conditions and difficulties in delivery to far away places lead to study the production of fermented sourdough instead of soft yeast completely or reduce its quantity relatively. Many kinds of fermented sourdough have been produced; liquid with moisture content 75%, normal density with moisture content 55% and high density with moisture content 47%, the fermentation's force and rise's force for their different value have been determined which ranged from 3% to 15%. The results investigated that production of dough from fermented sourdough 3%, 5%, 7%, 9% and 11% produced fermented dough with metabolic productions, which produced Arabic bread without significant changes in characteristics compared to the bread which produced by using 2% soft yeast.

References used
ANONYMOUS, 2000 - AACC standards appoved methods of the America of Cereal Chemistry8 .th ed ,St Paul, Minnesota, USA
ANONYMOUS, 2003, International Association of cereal chemists, I CG standards , USA
المواصفات القياسية السورية رقم 830 لعام 1990-هيئة المواصفات و المقاييس العربية السورية .
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This research aims to study the effect of certain analytical conditions to determine the arsenic in aqueous media using a Potentiometric, and then choose and adopt the optimum conditions for this determinism. We studied the effect of each of the (PH value, type, concentration puffer, effect of crippling electrolytes) to determine the arsenic in aqueous media and calibration using a standard solution of iodine. We also worked on raising the sensitivity of the method detection limit access to the ppm. It should be noted that technical conditions must be tuned to determine the actual value of the end point calibration and data processing of standard solution (initial velocity and deceleration near the end point calibration). The study showed that the PH value appropriate for calibration of arsenic with iodine (8-9), also found that the response process of arsenic on the electrode platinum has been excellent when using Na2SO4 as puffer with concentration of 0.1 M, which has been successfully used to quantify arsenic As+3 up to detect up to 2 × 10-6M. As it turns out during the study, it was not possible to determine the arsenic presence of copper ions in the solution, while the presence of lead and sulfate ions and chloride was not affective.
In this study, dried apple pomace was prepared to use as a source of dietary fibers in Arabic bread making. The total, soluble and insoluble dietary fibers have been specified in the studied pomace, and then it used in producing the Arabic bread. The wheat flour of extraction ratio (72%) was exchanged with dried apple pomace at (2,4,6)% levels. The aim of that was to increase the fiber content of bread by the addition of the wastes of apple juice processing, because it have good physiological effect on human health and decrease calories.
The study investigated the possibility of removing heavy metal ions (Cd, Pb) from aqueous solutions using adsorption method on the citrus peel (orange), which is a solid waste available in abundance especially in the Syrian coast as well as easy to use at low cost. The optimal conditions for the simultaneous adsorption of the ions (Cd 2+, Pb 2+) on the surface of orange peel (dry, soft) were determined.The concetration of ions was determined using (DPASV) method Which is characterized by Sensitivity and high accurawcy. The results showed that the optimum adsorption conditions were at pH = 5 , equleibrium time = 60 min, and the initial concentration is ( C0 = 50-200) ppm,The application of the Langmuir and Frienlish models showed that Frienlish model is best fited for expressing the adsorption of Pb ions on the surface of dry and soft orange peel and for expressing the adsorption of Cd ions on the surface of soft orange peel , Langmuir model is best fited for expressing the adsorption of Cd ions on the surface of dry orange peel. The method applied its selected terms to realistic samples of processed and industrial waste water, which showed a unique response as a purification method for the water media.
The objective of this study is to study some of the optimal analytical conditions for the determination of the Cu2+ ion using potentiometric titration method using the platinum electrode as a working electrode and the AgCL/Ag as a Reference electro de. In this study, the technical conditions were studied (working Electrode type, Reference Electrode type, Direction of titration, delay time, Proportional band, Speed of stirring) and the analytical conditions (pH value, time factor, quantity of solid KI added, electrolyte type and its concentration, detection limit) were studied using oxidation - reduction reactions as the method of iodide titration which applied successfully electrochemical for determine the Cu2+ ion.
The optimal conditions for the extraction of polyphenolic compounds from hard Syrian wheatvarieties (Hourani, Doma1,Bohoos11) were determined using response surface methodology. A Central Composite Design was used to investigate the effects of thr ee independent variables, namely solvent concentration, extraction temperature and time on the response phenolic content. The independent variables were at three levels and their actual values selected on the basis of preliminary experimental results. A secondorder polynomial model was used for predicting the response. Regression analysis showed that more than 95-97% of the variation was explained by the models. The optimal conditions for phenolic compounds extraction were found to be acetone concentration of 49.5 %v/v, extraction temperature of 55.5°C, extraction time of 42.5min, for wheat. Under the optimum conditions the corresponding predicted response values for polyphenolic compounds were 0.976 mg EGA forHourani, 0.947 mg EGA forDoma1 and 1.316 mg EGA for Bohoos11. The phenlics were extracted under optimum conditions to check the validity of model, and the experimental values were 0.969±0.05 ,0.932±0.03 and 1.214±0.06 mggalic acid equivalent /g dry weight from wheatvarieties (Hourani, Doma1,Bohoos11) respectively. The good agreement between predicted and ,experimental values indicated suitability of the model employed and the success of response surface methodology in optimizing the extraction conditions.

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