الهدف الأساسي من هذا البحث هو تقدير الطاقة الكهربائية الكامنة التي يمكن استخراجها من الآبار النفطية المغلقة في الحقول الشمالية الشرقية في سورية. أظهر البحث أن استخدام دورة رانكين (ORC) العضوية ذات الوسيط العضوي إيزوبوتان تعطي طاقة صافية . تستخدم الدورة الجيوحرارية محلولا ملحيا Brine لامتصاص الحرارة الجوفية من باطن الأرض .
The main objective of this research is to estimate the potential electrical power that can be extracted from closed and out-of-service oil wells situated in the north-eastern part of Syria. The research shows that using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with Isobutane as working fluid can produce net power output under certain conditions. The geothermal cycle used brine solution to
absorb the ground heat.
References used
Clini, C., Musu, I., Gullino, M. L., 2008, “Sustainable Development and Environmental Management: Experiences and Case Studies” Springer book, ISBN 978-1-4020-6597-2, Page 207
Energy and Geosciences Institute, University of Utah, prepared by the U.S. Geothermal Industry for the Renewable Energy Task Force, 1997, “Briefing on Geothermal Energy,”Washington, DC
United Nation World Energy Assessment – UNWEA
Bertani, R, 2009, “Geothermal Energy: An Overview on Resources and Potential,” Proceedings of the International Conference on NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY, USA
Duffield, W. A., and Sass, J. H., 2003, “Geothermal Energy Clean Power from the Earth’s Heat” USGSX, Circular 1249
Obtaind results, by studing ١٢٥ samples from ١٠ deep wells covering the
different Triassic formations in NE-Syria,show the existence of various
inclusion types. Aqueous, carbon and hydrocarbon-bearing. Aqueous inclusions
vary widely in their general and physico–chemical features, form, melting and
homogenization temperature, and density of the enclosed fluid.
The integration of various renewable energy sources as well as the liberalization of
electricity markets are established facts in modern electrical power systems. The increased
share of renewable sources within power systems intensifies the supply
This study is concerned with the variations in annual and seasonal surface
air temperature in Syria, depending on the data from 12 different
meteorological stations in Syria.
The analysis of surface temperature trends was performed using Least
The main objective of this study was to describe economic and econometric
analysis of cost functions of rain-feed barley production in the northern region
from Syria and determine the economically efficient size and the profitmaximizing
size, Prim
The researcher addressed the concept of unconventional oil, and
factors affecting its production policy in a worldwide scale, then
diagnosed the reality of oil production in Syria and the most
important techniques used in the Syrian oil fields. Fi