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The Influence of proverbs in Ebn Zydoun's Literature

أثر الأمثال في أدب ابن زيدون

1385   6   36   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims to figure out the influence of proverbs in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .proverbs had been a rich source of literary experience sources for Ebn _Zydoun.Proverbs gave him huge ability to understand the human experience ,which is considered on essential stanchion to fulfil self_experience for him. This research begins with a brief introduction about proverbs . Then it spotlights some aspects of Ebn_Zydoun.s life ,after that it moves to show most used proverbs ,which Ebn_Zydoun used in prose and poetry.He intended to invest their contents to serve his literature . This reveals rich Arabic culture the auther has had.

References used
البكرd ، أبو عبيد ، فصل المقال في شرح كتاب الأمثال . ط 3 ،دار الأمانة ،مؤسسة . الرسالة ، بيروت، لبنان ، 1983
الركابي ، د. جودت ، في الأدب الأندلسي .ط 2 ، دار المعارف ، مصر، 1966
القيرواني ، ابن رشيق ، العمدة في محاسن الشعر و آدابه . دار الجيل، 1981
rate research

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This research reveals the influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .It spotlights the most important texts that were in fluenced by the Holy Koran .For the Holy Koran is a rich material in Ibn_ Zydoun,s literature.It over whelmed an artistic and aesthetic splendor through the details and the new structural technics,which have been added by the influence of the Holy Koran in his prose and poetry as well.
There is a close relationship between literature and the human spirit; Human life vehicles from the feeling and the unconscious, repression, or separated area (recreation). And the words spoken by him is the primary keys to his character, or windo ws overlooking them psychoanalyst or critic to the psychology of the unseen dark matter. And poets better than the easy way for psychologists and scholars to find out what going on in the self of human feelings and emotions and ideas. As the poetic discourse when issued by the creative sense, and reflects the impact of the unconscious in his conscience we wanted to extrapolate I'm spinning Zaidoun birth; are feeling the impact of personality psychological standing, the reader an understanding of the fact that their story of passion, taste and aesthetics become strong by. We do not want this study to engage in the midst of philosophical theories, and to hold the texts do not tolerate, what concerns us in our literary'm Zaidoun is the alter ego lurking in the not deep feelings, and monitoring of its manifestations in relation to the emotional birth; to get to a new vision of creativity Ghazlip, away the concept of narcissism in the Freudian significance.
We studied in this research in the predicative deletion and what it relates to in Ebn Hani Alandalusi’s poetry, we studied first topics of deletion in predicate, so we started to study the deletion of the enunciative and its implications, then delet e the verb, and we studied Secondly the deletion of subject and its implications, we started deleting the inchoative, and the object, then with regard to predication, such as deleting adjective and discrimination , and we had enough with some examples to show what required, the controls of the search led us to these limits, depending on a set of more than few of sources and references, the first was explanation of the divan of Ibn Hani, but we have adopted the explanation without the divan as we could not get documented edition, as the explanation contained all of his poems without exception, and characterized by a good scientific investigation and careful organization.
The literature of Traits is a literature of characteristics ingrained in the self and human qualities enshrined in the human psyche. It is a literature that depicts what man has been born with generosity, meanness, courage, daring, cowardice, trea chery or baseness. It depicts the envy, gloating, and hatred, and displays stupidity, vanity, Inanity and dream, as well as lying, folly, debauchery, chastity and dignity.
Women shared men in the cultural aspects of life during the Abbasid ear, by proving to be famous poets and authors. A group of women were very creative in poetry through its various topics, such as praise, criticism and other topics. In Prose, wo men expressed their wide background knowledge especially in two main areas in prose: the art of personal correspondence and the art of dedication. Women's contribution in the field of literature during the Abbasid time, was actually a reflection of their interaction with the cultural background of that era and an attempt for meeting the needs to be open to the new civilisation arid a reflection of the ability to mingle with other types of art in all fields. Women's contribution therefore is an indication of their mental and intellectual potentials and the prominent role they played by that time to give in the end a good example through their genuine literature and writing..
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