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Semi-automatic Triage of Requests for Free Legal Assistance

الفرز شبه التلقائي للطلبات للحصول على المساعدة القانونية المجانية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Free legal assistance is critically under-resourced, and many of those who seek legal help have their needs unmet. A major bottleneck in the provision of free legal assistance to those most in need is the determination of the precise nature of the legal problem. This paper describes a collaboration with a major provider of free legal assistance, and the deployment of natural language processing models to assign area-of-law categories to real-world requests for legal assistance. In particular, we focus on an investigation of models to generate efficiencies in the triage process, but also the risks associated with naive use of model predictions, including fairness across different user demographics.

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Tag recommendation relies on either a ranking function for top-k tags or an autoregressive generation method. However, the previous methods neglect one of two seemingly conflicting yet desirable characteristics of a tag set: orderlessness and inter-d ependency. While the ranking approach fails to address the inter-dependency among tags when they are ranked, the autoregressive approach fails to take orderlessness into account because it is designed to utilize sequential relations among tokens. We propose a sequence-oblivious generation method for tag recommendation, in which the next tag to be generated is independent of the order of the generated tags and the order of the ground truth tags occurring in training data. Empirical results on two different domains, Instagram and Stack Overflow, show that our method is significantly superior to the previous approaches.
FrameNet is a lexical semantic resource based on the linguistic theory of frame semantics. A number of framenet development strategies have been reported previously and all of them involve exploration of corpora and a fair amount of manual work. Desp ite previous efforts, there does not exist a well-thought-out automatic/semi-automatic methodology for frame construction. In this paper we propose a data-driven methodology for identification and semi-automatic construction of frames. As a proof of concept, we report on our initial attempts to build a wider-scale framenet for the legal domain (LawFN) using the proposed methodology. The constructed frames are stored in a lexical database and together with the annotated example sentences they have been made available through a web interface.
Translation quality can be improved by global information from the required target sentence because the decoder can understand both past and future information. However, the model needs additional cost to produce and consider such global information. In this work, to inject global information but also save cost, we present an efficient method to sample and consider a semantic draft as global information from semantic space for decoding with almost free of cost. Unlike other successful adaptations, we do not have to perform an EM-like process that repeatedly samples a possible semantic from the semantic space. Empirical experiments show that the presented method can achieve competitive performance in common language pairs with a clear advantage in inference efficiency. We will open all our source code on GitHub.
There is no doubt that Freedom is the opposite of Authority. Both lunched its range is determined accordance with society doctrine and political powers. Political doctrine defines targets and tools of authority, consequently, it defines position of Individual and limits of man freedom. Therefore; public freedoms are connected to society's doctrine, so it decides which of the two parts gains priority; Individual, or society. In case of contradict, it decides who must sacrifice for the favor of the other. This point is the essence of the Political Dilemma which the law systems suffer.
Reliable automatic evaluation of dialogue systems under an interactive environment has long been overdue. An ideal environment for evaluating dialog systems, also known as the Turing test, needs to involve human interaction, which is usually not affo rdable for large-scale experiments. Though researchers have attempted to use metrics for language generation tasks (e.g., perplexity, BLEU) or some model-based reinforcement learning methods (e.g., self-play evaluation) for automatic evaluation, these methods only show very weak correlation with the actual human evaluation in practice. To bridge such a gap, we propose a new framework named ENIGMA for estimating human evaluation scores based on recent advances of off-policy evaluation in reinforcement learning. ENIGMA only requires a handful of pre-collected experience data, and therefore does not involve human interaction with the target policy during the evaluation, making automatic evaluations feasible. More importantly, ENIGMA is model-free and agnostic to the behavior policies for collecting the experience data, which significantly alleviates the technical difficulties of modeling complex dialogue environments and human behaviors. Our experiments show that ENIGMA significantly outperforms existing methods in terms of correlation with human evaluation scores.

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