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the management on Linux using Zentyal platform

نظام إدارة LINUX باستخدام منصة ZENTYAL

2338   3   54   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by reham mhamad

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أتت فكرة المشروع من الأهمية المتزايدة للنظم المفتوحة المصدر في أيامنا هذه لاسيما الإمكانات الواسعة التي تتيحها هذه النظم في مجال إدارة الشبكات, حيث يهدف مشروعنا إلى إظهار مزايا نظام Ubuntu وذلك من خلال عرض وإعداد مجموعة من الخدمات التي يقدها في مجال إدارة الشبكات, وبالتالي إظهار الفائدة العلمية والعملية منها, حيث نرى الجانب العلمي من خلال شرح ماتقوم به كل خدمة وماهي البروتوكولات والآليات التي تبنى عليها الخدمة, والتي أيضاً تظهر بشكل واضح من خلال الجانب العملي لكل خدمة لمافيه من عرض شامل للفائدة التي يمكن الحصول عليها.
Information extraction is a core technology of natural language processing, which extracts some meaningful phrases/clauses from unstructured or semistructured content to a particular topic. It can be said to be the core technology of many language te chnologies and applications. This paper introduces AI Clerk Platform, which aims to accelerate and improve the entire process and convenience of the development of information extraction tools. AI Clerk Platform provides a friendly and intuitive visualized manual labeling interface, sets suitable semantic label in need, and implements, distributes and controls manual labeling tasks, so that users can complete customized information extraction models without programming and view the automatically predict results of models by three method. AI Clerk Platform further assists in the development of other natural language processing technologies and the derivation of application services.
The main objective of this research is to present a study on the design optimization of the 6-RUS Stewart platform. The geometric and kinematic models are calculated and the singular positions are determined, then its translation and orientation wor kspace are determining. The direct geometric model of the studied platform was determined by using a proposed hybrid method.
In this paper we introduce a vision towards establishing the Malta National Language Technology Platform; an ongoing effort that aims to provide a basis for enhancing Malta's official languages, namely Maltese and English, using Machine Translation. This will contribute towards the current niche of Language Technology support for the Maltese low-resource language, across multiple computational linguistics fields, such as speech processing, machine translation, text analysis, and multi-modal resources. The end goals are to remove language barriers, increase accessibility, foster cross-border services, and most importantly to facilitate the preservation of the Maltese language.
In this research, we studied the role of occupational health and safety management system that is applied in the company that is being studied for reducing the expenses to improve the performance of the company totally. That we did a field study i n the general company for the manufacture of wool and carpets in Hama, through questionnaire a random sample of workers and take into consideration the characteristics of workers.
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