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To know the effect of some fungicides on peacock eye disease has beentested five fungicides from different chemical groups, using concentrations advisable to field application,on the 45 year old olive trees in the Baksa village Lattakia . The resul ts showed an increase in incidence of the control of 22.4 to 45.5 % after 45 days, versus low incidence rates in the fungicides tested treatments . The best two fungicides were thiophanate –methyl with infection decreasing from 19.2 to 10.3% and chlorothalonil from 24.3% to 16.5% . The severity also decreased in the treatment of the fungicide thiophanate –methyl from 9.7 to 4.1 % and chlorothalonil from 13.7 to 8.9 % while the severity of the infection of the control increased from 10.5 to 25.6 % .In order to efficiency the fungicide thiophanate – methyl was more effective reducing the infection severity compared with the control with 82.8 %, followed by chlorothalonil , kresoxsim methyl , and mancozeb with 73.3 , 72.0 , 71.9% respectively whereas the fungicide copper oxychloride was the least effective with 68.1%.
The research aims to study the economic efficiency of olive mill wastewater (OMWW) use in fertilizing olive trees, Which included research sample / 294 / farmer in Lattakia Governorate, depending on the descriptive analytical method,And found the results to be to fertilize the olive trees with (OMWW) rents high productivity, Where it posted a net profit of (33,668) SP / acre / year, while gross margin stood at (61 235) SP , The coefficient of profitability compared to the cost of production (about 41.32%)%, while the profitability coefficient was compared to the capital invested approximately 42.98%.
in this study a land suitability evaluation was carried out for Olives (Olea europancae ) cultivation and was performed in Latakia province. it included 6 land units (coastal plains, valleys and river bed, summit, gently sloping, moderately slopin g, steeply sloping) each unit was represented by one representative soil profile and its characteristics were matched with olive requirement by using LAMIS and gis to identify suitability classes.

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