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Testing the Efficiency Use of The Programmed Nursing Machine* in Raising Awassi Lambs under Sem-intensive Production System

اختبار فعالية استخدام آلة الرضاعة المبرمجة في تنشئة حملان العواسي تحت نظام الإنتاج شبه المكثف

734   1   14   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2000
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Twenty four of Awassi lambs, Reared at Al-Kraim Center for Sheep Breeding and Range Management, were used to test the efficiency of artificial raising using the Programmed Nursing Machine (PNM) on the growth rate of Awassi newborn lambs for eleven weeks postlambing. Lambs were divided equally and randomly into two groups. The lambs in the first group (G١) were separated from their dams at ٧,٤ ± ٣,١ days old and raised artificially on dried whole dairy milk using PNM, while the lambs in the second group (G٢), the control group, were left with their dams to be raised naturally during the studied period (١١ weeks).

References used
المجموعة الإحصائية الزراعية السنوية. ١٩٩٧ . وزارة الزراعة والإصلاح الزراعي، مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط قسم الإحصاء بوزارة الزراعة.
أكساد. ١٩٩٦ . التقرير الفني السنوي لإدارة دراسات الثروة الحيوانية، المركز العربي لدراسات المناطق . الجافة والأراضي القاحلة، أكساد، ث ح، ت س ٢٤
حسامو، حسام الدين. ١٩٨٤ . نظام قياس درجة سمنة أجسام الأغنام ذات الذيل الغليظ وتأثير درجة السمنة في إنتاجية النعاج، المركز العربي لدراسات المناطق الجافة والأراضي القاحلة، أكساد، ث ح، . ن
rate research

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Milk production and composition were studied on (٣٠) yearlings of improved Awassi sheep during their first lactation, from ١٩٩٧ to ١٩٩٨ at the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University. At the beginning of experiment the animals were ١٤ to ١٦,٥ months old and their body weight was ٤١,٥ kg.
هدف البحث إلى دراسة سلوك العجلات الرضيعة تجاه جهاز الإرضاع الآلي المبرمج ليصار إلى تطوير برمجته، بالإضافة إلى تنشئة عجلات بوزن جيد و سليمة صحيًا و بتكاليف مناسبة في مزارع الأبقار الحلوب الكبيرة.
The research was conducted on 25male lambs of Awassi sheep to compare the effect of using different levels of whole cotton seeds(WCS). The experiment extended for 70 days, experimental units were rested, then left for an adaptation period of 10 days, during the adaptation period, the animals were housed in one pen, in the end of the adaptation period, the lambs were individually weighed, then divided according to live weight into six equal groups of an average weights (24-25) kg each.
Thirty weaned Awassi lambs (٧٥ days old), reared in the metabolic unit at the College of Agriculture, University of Damascus, were randomly divided into ٥ groups to study the effect of consumed crude protein level available in the rations on the daily gain rate, live body weight and the food converting rate.
The research was conducted on 24 male lambs of Awassi sheep to study the effect of using different levels of soya bean meals(SBM), partially dehulled sunflower meals (SFM) and partially dehulled cottonseed meals(CSM). The experiment extended for 70 days, experimental units were rested, then left for an adaptation period of 10 days, during the adaptation period, the animals were housed in one pen, in the end of the adaptation period, the lambs were individually weighed, then divided according to live weight into three equal groups of an average (22-25)kg each. The concentrates was the same for all groups in protein and energy intake, but the difference was only in percentage of SBM21%, SFM 20%, and CSM15%.
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