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Purpose: Lacunar infarcts is an important stroke subgroup with unique clinical and pathologic features, but risk factors for lacunar infarcts have been rarely documented. To address this matter, we studied 65 patients had lacunar infarction at Depa rtment of Neurology , Tishreen University Hospital , Lattakia , Syria , and 65 controls during the period between May 2017 – May 2018 . Methods: We obtained information concerning risk factor exposure status among the patients by a structured questionnaire , we recorded age , sex , blood pressure , glucose , heart diseases , cigarette smoking , alcohol drinking , physical exercise for patiens and controls .We do laboratory tests and ECG and echocardiography and CT brain or MRI . Results: Significantly increasing the risk of lacunar stroke were hypertension (P-value=0.0001) and (OR=9.9), Current smokers (P-value=0.002) and (OR=5.2), diabetes (P-value=0.001) and (OR=5.3) , whereas frequent physical exercise was associated with a significantly decreased risk) P-value=00001( and (OR=2.6). There was no risk of lacunar stroke associated with heart disease (P-value=0.6) (OR=0.8) , high cholesterol (Pvalue= 1) and (OR=1) , alcohol drinking (P-value=0.7) and (OR=0.8). Conclusions: Patients with hypertension or diabetes, current smokers, those who have not heart disease, are at a higher risk of lacunar stroke, whereas those who undertake regular physical exercise may be at lower risk.
Renal artery stenosis is an important clinical entity. its importance lies in that it may be a treatable cause of hypertension, and it is -when progress- a cause of chronic renal failure. The causes of renal artery stenosis are numerous, the most common are: atherosclerosis and fibromuscular dysplasia (accounts for more than 95% of cases). Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) is the standard reference in the radiologic diagnosis of renal artery stenosis, but it carries the risk of being invasive procedure. Doppler ultrasound is used in the evaluation of the renal arteries, and it has the advantage of being non-invasive and inexpensive.
Hypertension is a common disease whose cardiac complications are very important sources of morbidity and mortality. These complications were detected by xray, electra car diography and echo cardiogeaphy. We have 248 patients in our study: 140 male a nd 108 female whose ages range between 34 and 80. Our study shows that the common cardiac compliations are: disorder of diastolic function (71%). Diloted cardio my opathy25.8%. Hy pertrophic cordiomiopathy.43.5%. arrhythamias (29.8%). coronary arteries disease 22.6%. Studying the relationship between cardiac complications and treatment shows that the regular and sufficient treatment seduces the cardiac compilation of hyprtension.
To find out the correlation between persistence of uterine artery notch and development of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), and to see if Doppler assessment can help identify high risk pregnancies.
Recent studies has focused on the impact of periodontal disease on the general health like cardiovascular disease and hypertension and their interactions. We aimed to study several vascular thrombotic markers levels in patients with chronic periodo ntitis and hypertension. Periodontitis in hypertensives was associated with an elevation in platelets count and fibrinogen concomitantly with an increase in blood glucose levels and body mass index,in addition to greater pocket probing depth and clinical attachment loss, compared with periodontitis only.These results shed the light on periodontitis as a risk indicator for hypertension and thrombotic propensity in susceptible individuals.
Chronic Periodontitis is accompanied with subacute systemic inflammatory responses and a procoagulant state which manifests in changes of some serological vascular thrombotic markers levels. This study aimed to evaluate several vascular thrombotic markers levels in patients with chronic periodontitis.
Recently, it has been noticed that the incidence of pulmonary hypertension in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of children hospital has increased. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcome of newborns with pulmonary hypertension. This study was conducted on 73 newborns diagnosed by Doppler Echocardiography, admitted to the unit from 1/7/02 to 1/7/03. High rates of hypoxia and sepsis were noticed during the perinatal period. Treatment included good oxygenation, dopamine, alkalosis and diuretics. The results were asThe following: complete recovery in 76.7%, Partial improvement in12.3% and death in 11%. The last tow results were discussed and due to otheer organic lesions prevented the full recovery or led to death.
In this study 500 obese pregnant women and 250 non-obese pregnant women (Group of Control) were followed up to prove the role of obesity as a high risk factor on the incidence of (P.I.H.). We found that: 1. There is a considerable increase in the incidence of (P.I.H.), which was proportional to the grade of obesity in the main group. The incidence of P.I.H. was : %15.38 in grade 1, %26.42 in grade 2 and %42.22 in grade 3 of obesity (Vs. %6.4 in the control group). 2. There is a considerable increase in the incidence of (P.I.H.) among the obese pregnant women, especially when they are 36-45 years old (%32.39 Vs. %6.45 in control group). So that it is advisable to screen all obese pregnant women especially when they are 36-45 years old and consider them as a high risk group for the indicence of (P.I.H.).

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