في هذه الدراسة تم متابعة ٥٠٠ امرأة حامل بدينة و ٢٥٠ امرأة حامل غير بدينـة (المجموعـة
الشاهد) و ذلك لإيضاح دور البدانة بوصفها عاملَ خطورةٍ لحدوث ارتفاع الضغط الشرياني الحملي.
وجِد :
١ـ ارتفاع ملحوظ في معدل حدوث ارتفاع الضغط الشرياني الحملي بشكل يتناسب طـرداً مـع
درجة البدانة، حيث كانت ٣٨,١٥ % في الدرجة الأولى ، ٤٢,٢٦ % في الدرجـة الثانيـة
و ٢٢,٤٢ % في الدرجة الثالثة للبدانة مقابل ٤,٦ % في المجموعة الشاهد.
٢ـ ارتفاع ملحوظ في معدل حدوث ارتفاع الضغط الشرياني الحملي عنـد الحوامـل البـدينات
و لاسيما في الفئة العمرية بين ٣٦ و ٤٥ سنة (٣٩,٣٢ % مقابل ٤٥,٦ % في المجموعة
و بناء عليه، ينصح بإجراء الاستقصاءات الباكرة (النخل) للحوامل البدينات و لاسيما في الأعمـار
المتقدمة (٣٦ـ٤٥ سنة) و اعتبارهن مجموعة عالية الخطورة لحدوث ارتفاع الضغط الشـرياني
In this study 500 obese pregnant women and 250 non-obese pregnant women
(Group of Control) were followed up to prove the role of obesity as a high risk
factor on the incidence of (P.I.H.). We found that:
1. There is a considerable increase in the incidence of (P.I.H.), which was
proportional to the grade of obesity in the main group. The incidence of P.I.H.
was : %15.38 in grade 1, %26.42 in grade 2 and %42.22 in grade 3 of obesity
(Vs. %6.4 in the control group).
2. There is a considerable increase in the incidence of (P.I.H.) among the obese
pregnant women, especially when they are 36-45 years old (%32.39 Vs. %6.45
in control group).
So that it is advisable to screen all obese pregnant women especially when they
are 36-45 years old and consider them as a high risk group for the indicence of
References used
A Bongain, V. Isnard, J.Y. Gillet. Obesity in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, European Journal of obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology, Vol. 77, Iss 2, pp 217-228, 1998
A.C. Wittgrove, L. Jester, P. Wittgrove, G.W. Clark. pregnancy following gastric bypass for morbid obesity, Obesity Surgery, Vol. 8, Iss 4, pp 461-464, 1998
A. T. Biancol, T.W. Smiler, Y. Davis, S. Lopez, R. Lapenski, C.J. Lipkwood. Pregnancy Outcome and Weight Gain Recommendations for the Morbidity of obese Women, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vo. 91, Iss 1, pp 97-102, 1998
To find out the correlation between persistence of uterine artery notch and
development of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), and
to see if Doppler assessment can help identify high risk pregnancies.
This study included 502 children between 0,5-15 years old. They were all subjected to duodenal biobsy for several reasons, and underwent investigations; Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC and RDW.
The prevalence of celiac disease among anemic children was higher
Renal artery stenosis is an important clinical entity. its
importance lies in that it may be a treatable cause of
hypertension, and it is -when progress- a cause of chronic
renal failure. The causes of renal artery stenosis are
numerous, the most
INTROUDACTION : Arterial chronic hypertension (HTN) is a well-known associated with myocardial infarction because it is un cardiovascular risk factor for development of atherosclerosis, And there are risk factors shared by the two diseases, such as g
Background& Objective: C-reactive protein (CRP) is a well-known acute-reactant produced in response
of inflammation. The aim of the study is to assess the relationship between body mass index, C-reactive
protein levels, periodontal diseases and its severity among periodontal patients in compare with a control
group of healthy normal BMI persons, among young adults with both genders.