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This study included 232 patient with acne between the ages of 12 and 38 years old. Acne vulgaris was graded using Global Acne Grading System (GAGS). This study was undertaken to detect the impact of acne vulgaris and related factors that may influe nce the quality of life (QoL). QoL was measured using a combination of skin disease-specific (Dermatological Life Quality Index (DLQI)) and acne-specific (Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI)) questionnaires. The results showed significant impairment of QoL in acne patients , females were more affected than the males, there was no association between age and quality of life impairment and the impact was proportional to the severity of acne, more severe acne is associated with greater effect on quality of life.
The study aimed to identify the relationship between social support and quality of life in a sample of teenagers with physical disabilities in Damascus governorate level, and know of the differences in their social support and quality of life, acc ording to two variables (sex and age). The study sample consisted of 112 students from physical disabilities Adolescents were selected purposely from government special education centers, and applied to them two Tools social support and quality of life, and are prepared by the researcher after verifying of validity and reliability.
يمكن أن تؤدي رضوض الوجه إلى كسور أو انزباح أو فقد للأسنان وهذا قد يحدث آثارا سلبية كبيرة على الناحية الوظيفية والجمالية والنفسية عند الأطفال
In spite of all the advances in health care and medical technology, provision of quality health care to cancer patients remains one of the major challenges that health care professionals have to face in the next years. this study was conducted to assess the effect of nursing care on breast cancer patients quality of life at homes. by using quazi-experimental design 80 breast cancer patients were selected (40 experimental group ,40 control group) receiving chemotherapy recently. Experimental group patients received supportive psycho-educational interventions consisted of education, progressive muscle relaxation technique with four supportive range of motion exercises in addition to emotional support for three months. While control group patients received routine nursing care in hospital. The results were assessed for both groups by using European organization for cancer research and treatment quality of life questionnaire (EOCRT-QLQ C30) and breast cancer module.
Background: people with cancer experience great changes in their life as a result of disease, treatment and disease prognosis which affect their quality of life .with the goal of investigating breast cancer patient's quality of life during chemother apy in Tishreen hospital in Latakia.. Methods: 60 patients were invited to complete the European organization of research and treatment quality of life questionnaire version 3 and breast cancer quality of life module during their early stage of chemotherapy. Results : the results show that the (73.3%) were under the age of fifty and half of them reported total health status score under (50) which reflects low quality of life in addition to impaired psychological ,social, cognitive and role functioning. Also more than 67% of patient suffered from chemotherapy- related side effects as nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, loss of appetite, insomnia, and fatigue. In addition to variance in quality of life scores according to age, marital status, occupation and level of education without changing of it by educational level. In addition to that the majority of patient had impaired sexual function and upset of hair loss and arm symptoms but with positive and optimistic future. perspective. No significant differences in quality of life scores were found between urban and rural patients. Conclusion. Health care provider should assess routinely cancer patient quality of life during treatment to ascertain of providing appropriate care with supportive services for all patients
This research aims to compare the therapeutic results of Silodosin, Doxozosin in patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. A random sample was taken of (67) patients at Assad University Hospital in Lattakia, and was divided into two groups: the firs t group was treated using Silodosin, and the second group was treated using Doxozosin. We studied the therapeutic development of patients after one month, three months, six months of treatment. Measurements were recorded (Ipss, Qol, Qmax) for both groups. Using appropriate statistical methods, we reached the following results: Equality of the two groups of patients before applying the treatment. The effectiveness of both drugs (Silodosin and Doxozosin) in the treatment of patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, where results showed an improvement in therapeutic measurements (Ipss, Qol, Qmax) by time. The effectiveness of the drug Silodosin in the treatment of patients with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, compared with the efficacy of the drug Doxozosin, where results showed that therapeutic measurements (Ipss, Qol, Qmax) recorded a better improvement within the first group that was treated using Silodosin when compared with the results of measurements of the second group that was treated using Doxozosin
Assessment of quality of life after surgical treatment in breast surgery patients, and comparing quality of life between quadrantectomy and modified radical mastectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma measuring 40 mm or less.

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