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Effect Of Nursing Care On Breast Cancer Patient's quality Of life At Homes

تأثير الرعاية التمريضية على نوعية حياة مريضات سرطان الثدي في المنازل

3326   3   141   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In spite of all the advances in health care and medical technology, provision of quality health care to cancer patients remains one of the major challenges that health care professionals have to face in the next years. this study was conducted to assess the effect of nursing care on breast cancer patients quality of life at homes. by using quazi-experimental design 80 breast cancer patients were selected (40 experimental group ,40 control group) receiving chemotherapy recently. Experimental group patients received supportive psycho-educational interventions consisted of education, progressive muscle relaxation technique with four supportive range of motion exercises in addition to emotional support for three months. While control group patients received routine nursing care in hospital. The results were assessed for both groups by using European organization for cancer research and treatment quality of life questionnaire (EOCRT-QLQ C30) and breast cancer module.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير الرعاية التمريضية على نوعية حياة مريضات سرطان الثدي في المنازل. تم تطبيق منهج شبه تجريبي على 80 مريضة (40 في المجموعة التجريبية و40 في مجموعة الشاهد) يتلقين العلاج الكيميائي. تلقت المجموعة التجريبية تدخلات تثقيفية ونفسية داعمة لمدة ثلاثة أشهر، بينما تلقت مجموعة الشاهد الرعاية التمريضية الروتينية في المستشفى. تم تقييم النتائج باستخدام استبيان نوعية الحياة المرتبطة بالصحة ونموذج سرطان الثدي. أظهرت النتائج تحسنًا في المقاييس الوظيفية الجسدية والنفسية والاجتماعية والدور الوظيفي في الحياة للمجموعة التجريبية، مع تحسن في صورة الجسم والنظرة للمستقبل مقارنة بمجموعة الشاهد. كما نقصت معاناة المريضات من الأعراض الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي مثل الألم والتعب والقلق والأرق وأعراض الذراع والانزعاج من تساقط الشعر. ومع ذلك، لم تساعد التدخلات في تحسين الوظيفة الفكرية والوظيفة الجنسية والرضا بالحياة الجنسية. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن التدخلات التمريضية تساعد على تحسين نوعية حياة مريضات سرطان الثدي في المنازل خلال مرحلة العلاج الكيميائي، وأوصت بتفعيل الدور التثقيفي للتمريض واعتماد الزيارات المنزلية ضمن خطط رعاية مرضى السرطان الخارجيين.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة نحو تحسين نوعية حياة مريضات سرطان الثدي في المنازل، إلا أنه يمكن الإشارة إلى بعض النقاط التي قد تحتاج إلى مزيد من البحث والتطوير. أولاً، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ تأثير التدخلات على الوظيفة الفكرية والوظيفة الجنسية والرضا بالحياة الجنسية، وهو ما يشير إلى الحاجة لتطوير استراتيجيات أكثر شمولية تشمل هذه الجوانب. ثانياً، كان من الممكن أن تكون العينة أكبر وأكثر تنوعاً لضمان تعميم النتائج بشكل أوسع. ثالثاً، لم يتم تناول تأثير العوامل الاجتماعية والثقافية بشكل كافٍ، وهو ما يمكن أن يكون له تأثير كبير على نتائج الدراسة. وأخيراً، قد يكون من المفيد إجراء دراسات متابعة طويلة الأمد لتقييم استدامة التحسينات التي تم تحقيقها.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي أهداف الدراسة؟

    تهدف الدراسة إلى تحديد تأثير الرعاية التمريضية (التثقيف، الاسترخاء العضلي التدريجي مع التمارين الداعمة، الدعم النفسي) على نوعية حياة مريضات سرطان الثدي.

  2. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية للدراسة؟

    أظهرت النتائج تحسنًا في المقاييس الوظيفية الجسدية والنفسية والاجتماعية والدور الوظيفي في الحياة للمجموعة التجريبية، مع تحسن في صورة الجسم والنظرة للمستقبل مقارنة بمجموعة الشاهد. كما نقصت معاناة المريضات من الأعراض الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي مثل الألم والتعب والقلق والأرق وأعراض الذراع والانزعاج من تساقط الشعر.

  3. ما هي التوصيات التي خلصت إليها الدراسة؟

    أوصت الدراسة بتفعيل الدور التثقيفي للتمريض واعتماد الزيارات المنزلية ضمن خطط رعاية مرضى السرطان الخارجيين، وتطبيق برامج تثقيف للمرضى تساعد على إشراكهم في خطط رعايتهم وتحسن مهاراتهم الذاتية في التعامل مع المعالجة الكيميائية وتأثيراتها الجانبية.

  4. ما هي النقاط التي لم تتحسن فيها المجموعة التجريبية؟

    لم تتحسن الوظيفة الفكرية والوظيفة الجنسية والرضا بالحياة الجنسية لدى مريضات المجموعة التجريبية بعد تطبيق التدخلات.

References used
AMERCAN CANCER SOCIETY2014 Cancer Facts &Figures. Atlanta: American Cancer Society: /content/@nho/documents/ document/500809webpdf.pdf
AMERCAN CANCER SOCIETY 2014 What are the key statistics for breast cancer.From. I_2_4_1X_What_are_the_key_statistics
CUZICK, J (2010) : Breast cancer prevention in the developing world. Breast Cancer Research 2010,12(4): supplements/ 12/ S4/S9.
rate research

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Background :In spite of all the advances in health care and medical technology, provision of qualified health care to cancer patients remains one of the major challenges that health care professionals have to face in the next years. this study was co nducted with the goal of assessing effect of nursing care on meeting cancer patient's needs at home Methods: by using quazi-experimental design, eighteen breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy were selected (40 experimental, 40 compared). Experimental group patients received supportive psycho-educational interventions for three months, consisted of ( education, progressive muscle relaxation technique, and emotional support), while compared group patients received route nursing care in hospital. After three months the results were assessed by using supportive care needs survey (SCNS) and compared by using independent T test, mean, median. Results : the results show that more than tow third of study patients had unmet needs, first of it were about information needs and emotional needs. And after study interventions these needs were decreased for intervention group patients statistically significant compared with compared group and its priorities were changed after three months. But the interventions did not improve sexual needs meeting. Conclusion: supportive care needs can improve cancer patient needs meeting in home and hospital during chemotherapy. so we recommend ascertain supportive nursing care in hospital and homes.
Background: people with cancer experience great changes in their life as a result of disease, treatment and disease prognosis which affect their quality of life .with the goal of investigating breast cancer patient's quality of life during chemother apy in Tishreen hospital in Latakia.. Methods: 60 patients were invited to complete the European organization of research and treatment quality of life questionnaire version 3 and breast cancer quality of life module during their early stage of chemotherapy. Results : the results show that the (73.3%) were under the age of fifty and half of them reported total health status score under (50) which reflects low quality of life in addition to impaired psychological ,social, cognitive and role functioning. Also more than 67% of patient suffered from chemotherapy- related side effects as nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, loss of appetite, insomnia, and fatigue. In addition to variance in quality of life scores according to age, marital status, occupation and level of education without changing of it by educational level. In addition to that the majority of patient had impaired sexual function and upset of hair loss and arm symptoms but with positive and optimistic future. perspective. No significant differences in quality of life scores were found between urban and rural patients. Conclusion. Health care provider should assess routinely cancer patient quality of life during treatment to ascertain of providing appropriate care with supportive services for all patients
The aime of this study is to assess the effect of a multimodal group exercise intervention, as an adjunct to conventional care, on fatigue, physical capacity, general wellbeing, physical activity, and quality of life in patients with breast cancer wh o were undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. The study was conducted in Tishreen university hospital in Lattakia the participants were 164 women with breast cancer. Supervised exercise comprising high intensity cardiovascular and resistance training, relaxation and body awareness training, massage, nine hours weekly for six weeks in addition to conventional care, compared with conventional care. The intervention group showed an estimated improvement at six weeks for the primary outcome, fatigue, of −6.8 (−12.3 to −0.9), P=0.02. Significant effects were seen on vitality for physical functioning 2,5 (-0,4 to 5,2), role physical 4,5 (-1,8 to 11,1), role emotional -0,3 (-4,0 to 3,3), and mental health 1,9 (-2,5 to 6,1) scores. No significant effect was seen on global health status/quality of life. A supervised multi modal exercise intervention including high and low intensity components was feasible and could safely be used in patients with breast cancer who were receiving adjuvant chemotherapy or treatment for advanced disease. The intervention reduced fatigue and improved vitality, muscular strength, and physical and functional activity, and emotional wellbeing, but not quality of life.
Dysphagia considers the most important and common in neurological system patient on critical care units. Objective: The aim of this study was to study the effect of nursing care policy on dysphagia in neurological system patients in critical care u nits. Material and method: the study was conducted on 40 patients divided on four groups (Shaker Exercise, Mendelsohn maneuver, [Shaker Exercise, and Mendelsohn maneuver] and control group) in critical care units in the Assad university hospital and the National Hospital whom have dysphagia. The data was collected by using the personal information form, and the dysphagia severity scale. Results: This study showed that Shaker Exercise, and Mendelsohn maneuver together were the most effective in reduce dysphagia levels and recommended about importance of Shaker Exercise, and Mendelsohn maneuver for patients with dysphagia.
Aim: to assess the expression ofcathepsin B(ctsB; an important protease) in human breast cancer and correlate that with the tumor grade. Materials and Methods:Serial sections were obtained from 23 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded breast cancer tis sue specimens which were collected from Alasad University Hospital and a pathological laboratory in Lattakia - Syria. Tissues were stained for cathepsin B using immunohistochemistry. Tonsil tissues were also included as a positive control. Results:Positive cytoplasmic staining of CtsB was observed in both follicular macrophages and endothelial cells in tonsil sections. In breast cancer tissues, tumor cells, endothelial cells and stroma stained positive for CtsB. The presence of CtsB in blood endothelium significantly correlated with the tumor grade (p=0.049). Conclusion: These results supported the important role of cathepsin B in tumor progression, particularly in angiogenesis. Future studies should investigate the regulating mechanisms of cathepsin activities within the tumor environment, and that can be considered as new tagets for cancer treatment.
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