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إن الألم التالي لقلع الأسنان لدى الأطفال قد يسبب تجربة سنية سيئة لدى الطفل و الأهل ( Gazal and Mackie , 2007 ) لما يصاحب العمل من رض للنسج الرخوة والصلبة فقد يسبب القلع مشكلة للأطفال وعلى وجه الخصوص خلال الساعات الأولى بعد القلع بالرغم من استمرار تاثير المخدر الموضعي أو الناحي أكثر من ساعة
This study aimed to radiographically assess the effectiveness of the synthetic graft (Easy-Graft)™ which consists of [BCP+PLGA] in preservation of alveolar bone after teeth extraction. The sample consisted of thirty extraction cases in 28 patients ( 17males 11females) and was randomly divided into two groups; study group (15 cases) where the graft had been applied after extraction and the control group (15 cases). Periapical radiographs were taken immediately after extraction,and six and fifteen months later to measure the amount of bone height decrease. Data were collected by an image analysis software and statistically analyzed. As a result, the mean bone height decrease in the control group was (0.6mm) after extraction, (2.4mm) after six months, and (3.3mm) 15 months later.Whereas it was (0.14,1.1,1.5mm) after extraction, 6months and 15months later respectively. As such, there were statistically significant differences between the different follow-up times.Thus, (Easy-Graft)™ considered an effective method for alveolar bone preservation after teeth
The study is prospective and descriptive it take place in the department of oral surgery in Tishreen university it concerned 32 patients presented a cardiovascular pathology having required an warfarine therapy and also need an act of oral surgery th e objective of this study was to determine the INR value making possible to carry out an act of oral surgery without haemorrhagic risk we exploited the following parameters: identification of the patient, oral state, type of oral surgery, type of cardiopathy, AVK posology, INR value, means haemostasis. 56.25% of our patients had undergone a single extraction, 25% had beneficed multiple extractions and 18.75% had profited from surgical extraction the average value of the INR was 2.38 with an variance of 0.07 and an ecart type of 0.27. In favour of the haemostat means no haemorrhagic complication post operational was revealed it is allowed that the risk of thromboembolic accident by stoping the treatment is much more prejudicial than hemorrhagic risk for the patent.
Many complications are associated with the surgical removal of impacted third molars. One of these complications is the formation of a deep periodontal pocket distal to the second mandibular molar . Plasma Rich in Growth Factors is a material conta ining many growth factors Which have an essential role in wounds healing and tissue regeneration. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of autologous PRGF in bone regeneration techniques to prevent development of periodontal pocket at the distal root of the mandibular second molar following extraction of an impacted third molar.
Although the extraction of third molars is a daily practice in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, clinics, there are many complications which may occur during or after surgery. These complications were classified in this study in to ١٩ categories. The percentages of many complications, occuring in the Syrian Arab Republic were comparatively different from the percentages published in the international literatures. The factors which can reduce the incidence of complications, are identified and efficient ways of avoiding such complications are recommended .
This study has dealt with the primary cause for tooth extraction on 2760 permanent teeth, extracting third molars , in patients with an age ranging from 10 to 90 years excluding and an average age of 40.2 years. The first cause in caries(67.7%) pe riodontal reasons come second (25.9%), and all the other causes account for 6.4%. A special pattern of relationship between caries and periodontal diseases as factors causing tooth extraction has become evident, with the latter being the main reason for tooth extraction in middle age (45-54years) ata rate of 49.8% versus 46% for carries-related extractions. Caries, however, is the chief cause for tooth extraction at ages under 45 and over 54 years (81.9% , 53.1%); this is also true of the age group 10-19 years (75%), while extractions for orthodontic reasons account for 21.7%. No significant differences have been observed between males and females,or between the right and left side of the jaws. Yet, extractions of all tooth types in the upper jaw have been more frequent than those in the lower jaw, with the exception of first molars.

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