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بدأ بعض مقدمي خدمات الطاقة الكهربائية في شركات الكهرباء الكبرى والصغرى والناشئة بأطلاق مشروعات وتطبيقات تعتمد على تكنولوجيا سلاسل الكتل الرقمية block chain واستخدام العقود الذكية والعملات المشفرة كمنصات للتعامل المباشر مع المستهلكين وأدارة التعاملات المالية والفنية القيمة. وذلك كجزء من استراتيجية تلك الشركات لتحديث صناعة الطاقة بتبسيط الإجراءات والمعاملات والتكاليف المرتبطة بهما. اعتمادا على التطور السريع لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات والتوجه المتزايد نحو ما تقدمه من حلول يتعامل معها ملايين البشر.
يتناول هذا الكتاب عدد من الحقائق حول أهمية فوائد واستغلال طاقة الرياح عالميا وإقليميا, ومدى وجوب إعطاء الأولوية حين تتوافر العوامل والمواقع المناسبة نظرا لأبعادها الاقتصادية والبيئية الايجابية وسنناقش كذلك كيفية تحويل طاقة الرياح المتغيرة إلى طاقة كه ربائية ثابتة ومستقرة, وكذا البدائل التصميمية الشائعة لتربينات الرياح ومكوناتها الرئيسية ووظائف تلك المكونات, ثم سنعبر إلى المجال الأوسع، وهو الحديث عن مشروعات محطات الرياح لإنتاج الكهرباء أو ما نسميه مزارع الرياح وعن أهم مكوناتها. وتطور قدرات التربينات عبر العقود الثلاثة الأخيرة, مع منح شيء من التفصيل عن أهم الاعتبارات الواجب الانتباه إليها عند اختيار التربينات وشبكة الاتصالات بينها في مزارع الرياح وكذا مهام أنظمة التحكم والمراقبة, فضلا عن التعرض لتعدد من الجوانب الأخرى المكملة التي أرى أن لها أهمية قصوى في معرض الحديث من مزارع الرياح,
This paper presents a strategy of variable speed wind turbine connected to a permanent magnet synchronous generator; the goal is to get the most possible wind turbines. We used a wind energy conversion system model consisting of a wind turbine, perma nent magnet synchronous generator, rectifier, buck-boost chopper, inverter, load, and traditional controller PI to stabilize the voltage obtained from the wind turbine and synchronous generator at a variable wind speed. Then we used one of the artificial intelligence techniques represented by the genetic algorithm to get the maximum possible wind turbine. The traditional controller PI and the genetic algorithm we modeled using the Matlab R2014a program and from it we obtained the advantages of mechanical power for wind turbine and determined maximum power points at each wind speed.
In this research a mathematical model for solar store is organized in which save the heat solar energy is saved for different purposes such as electrical energy generation , heating , or bio-energy fermentation and many other uses . This model includ es a mixture of heat store substances such as sand , graphite , sea water , the dark cement rocks . The equation of the model was arranged , and solved by using variable values for the shape , and the dimensions of the reservoir and the percentage of the materials in the mixture by using a computer program through which the Matlab program was based on , and was practiced on two kinds of heats store mixtures . The results was converted in to geometric curves through which the comparison can be made between the two mixtures . The results showed that using a mixture of the sea water and dark cement rocks model gave better results .
This paper presents the characterization of sea wave behavior in some areas of Lattakia shore, through monitoring for more than one site different from each other by terrain, water depth and bottom type (sand, rocks). It also presents results of m easurements of wave height values and their period at breakwater area of Lattakia port, and also shows results of power calculations trans- mitted with waves and speed of those waves, and brings a comparison of energy values calculated using different experimental equations is being used globally, and shows that wave's speed and period are independent from each other. Also shows that it is possible to apply wave power techniques in Syria ,relying on principle of high strength and low height , best way to achieve this is through hydraulic circuits ,and installation of a central system and several subsystems connected to it ,this provides a continuous flow of power.
A digestibility experiment was carried out using 105 unsexed chicks of a commercial broiler breed taken from a hatchery nearby the farm of the experiment. When the chicks started to hatch, the chicks were collected without need to complete the operation of hatching to ensure that the hatching chicks were hatched at the same time.
Studying the mechanics of particle systems in special relativity is one of the most complex issues. However, this study sets us up to lay the groundwork for building a set of important laws. The motion of particle masses as a whole was determined b y their energy, impulse and static mass. It was also found that the total energy of the system of mutual action requires taking into account the energies of these mutual acts between the particles. Contrary to the systems of the mutual acts of collisions, approximate formulas for interplay between charged particles were determined by studying the collision of relativistic particles-Compton's effect. Finally, the case of the movement of the charged particles of weak interacts was discussed, and the movement of the interconnected particles was discussed through mutual electromagnetic acts using the concept of mutual action between the particles of the system.
In this study, samples of cotton fabric were dyed using direct dye by the traditional method as well as using microwave energy at different energy levels. It was noted that the use of microwave energy increase the dye exhaustion at the used energy levels compared to the traditional method, as well as improving the fastness to washing and wet rubbing.
Building a photovoltaic system is the process of designing, selecting and calculating the ratings of the equipment’s employed in the system. This process depends on a variety of factors such as geographical location, solar irradiation, and load re quirements. this paper presents a practical way to calculate the elements and components of the Stand-Alone PV energy system, And procedure an economic analysis for the system, will allow GUI designed by MATLAB knowledge of these components depending on the efficiency of the Inverter, power solar panels and capacity of batteries in local market, taking into account the climatic factors and hours of solar radiation in the system installation area, as well as the cost of the system and the payback time.
A new system was designed in portable plants-eater to improve the performance and productivity and for using it in the harsh environment containing like-cane dense brushes with high efficiency, quality and lowest power requirement and to harvest so me crops are grown in small areas. The new system includes three types: link chain, straight blades chain and oblique blades chain, each chain is fixed on central aluminum disk. the three chains were tested on tensile, the results were satisfactory. The cutters was tested in the field on four types of stalk Wheat, Yellow Maize, Sorghum Helpenese and imperata cylindrical. Cutting force, productivity, fuel consumption, power requirement was calculated with deferent rotation speeds. The straight blades chain has the best cutting quality and lowest energy requirement on maize and sorghum halepense, the oblique blades chain was better on wheat and imperata cylindrical. The greatest values of energy requirement and cutting forces appeared with link chain cutter-head. In general, these cutter-heads are useable in weed-eater with higher efficiency than the old designs.

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