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دليل زراعة الفطر الابيض في سورية. القيمة الطبية للفطر الأبيض. القيمة الغذائية للفطر الأبيض تحضير وسط زراعة الفطر الأبيض (الدبال الطبيعي والصناعي) مكونات الدبال الصناعي في سورية. زراعة الفطر تحضين الفطر تحضير تربة التغطية للفطر تحضير العزيق العوامل التي تحرض على إثمار الفطر. قطاف الفطر.
طريقة حفظ الأغذية في المنزل طريقة تعليب البازلاء تطريقة عليب البامياء طريقة حفظ اللوبياء طريقة حفظ الفاصولياء الخضراء الطازجة طريقة حفظ الكوسا طريقة حفظ القرع طريقة حفظ الأرضي شوكي طريقة حفظ الفول الأخضر طريقة حفظ الخضار الورقية طريقة حفظ و رق العنب طريقة حفظ البندورة حفظ البندورة على شكل كاتشاب تعليب الفاكهة او الفاكهة المحفوظة - الخشافات تعليب العنب تعليب التفاح حفظ الخضار بالتجفيف حفظ الخضار بالتجفيف الشمسي حفظ الخضار بالتجفيف الصناعي مزايا الحفظ بالتجفيف تجفيف الفاصوليا الخضراء تجفيف البازلاء المجففة البامياء المجففة تجفيف المشفش تجفيف العنب لعمل الزبيب منزليا حفظ الخضار بالتجميد حفظ الخضار بالتمليح والتخليل تخليل البصل تخليل اللفت تخليل القرنبيط تخليل البندورة التخليل باستخدام زيت الزيتون الحفظ باستخدام التركيز العالي من السكر عيوب صناعة المرملاد والمربيات صناعة مربى التفاح صناعة مربى الباذنجان صناعة مربى الجزر صناعة مربى الكباد صناعة مرملاد البرتقال صناعة مربى الورد صناعة شراب العنب
طرائق استخلاص وتحليل الدهون في الأغذية تعريف الليبيدات أهمية الليبيدات مكونات الليبيدات في الأغذية الليبيدات وصحة الانسان تحليل الليبيدات استخلاص الليبيدات بالمذيبات الحلمهة الحمضية استخلاص الليبيدات بالمذيبات طريقة سوكسلت لتقدير الدهون في ا لشيبس استخلاص الزيوت العطرية بطريقة سوكسليت اعداد المهندسة عبير أبو شعر
استخدام مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة في نمو وانتاج البندورة المحمية التحاليل الكيميائية والقياسات الفيزيائية. التحليل الاحصائي العناصر الغذائية تصميم الترجمة. مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة.
This research was carried out during the agricultural season 2014 in the Buqai'a plain in west of Homs governorate, to study the effect of several systems for intercropping on Corn crop (Zea mays L.( and Soybean crop (Glycine max L.): (Zea mays li ne : Soybean line) (Zea mays line : Two Soybean lines) (Two Zea mays lines + Soybean line) ( Two Zea mays lines + Two soybean lines) (Single Zea mays crop), (Single soybean crop).
This research has been applied to compare the efficacy of the use of pre-planting with a sensitive variety of tomato OXN93 as a trap crop with the use of the extracts of M. azedarach , E. camaldulensis and C. maculatum where Diazinon a treated con trol, in reducing the infection and the reproduction rate of the root-knot nematodes M. javanica on tomato (var. Bestona) in pots.
This study was conducted on domestic pigeons and back yard chickens populations in many regions of Syrian Arab Republic using techniques of isolation on chicken embryo and cell culture. The birds were suspected to be infected by pox virus through clinical symptoms by the presence of lesions in warts and scars on Different areas of the face as the comb, wattle, the corner of the mouth and eyelids and other areas of body and we notice presence of Diphtheric lesions on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in many cases.
Sahl Al-Ghab zone is characterized by the availability of natural and human appropriate conditions for the cultivation of cotton, and it's one of the most desired agricultural crops for export, in addition to the big need for local textile mills wi th both of its public and private sectors, and it's also one of the strategic and social crops. However, between 2005-2013, cotton cultivation fell back in this region to be replaced mainly by wheat in addition to other crops, and the main reasons for this decline is that there is no proportionality between the price of cotton and production costs, as the price of the kilogram of cotton rose from 31 S.P in 2005 to 100 S.P in 2013, while the price of the liter of diesel – the main factor in the cultivation of cotton – rose from 25 S.P in 2005 to 60 S.P in 2013. Through this research, We knew the reasons for the decrement of cotton cultivation in Sahl Al-Ghab zone and choosing the wheat and nothing else to replace it, especially that wheat cultivation didn't achieve better economic returns of cotton. On the contrary, it had negative results in terms of non-application of the agricultural cycle and the spread of diseases such as wheat rust disease that spreaded in Sahl Al-Ghab zone in the last years and which reflected negatively on production.
The research was Carried out in Jisr area in the province of Idlib during the growing season 2013 - 2014 to study the effect of planting dates in autumn sowing 28/9/2013 = (1), 8/10/2013 = (2), 18/10/2013 = (3) and spring sowing 18/3/2014 = (1), 28 /3/2014 = (2), 8/4/2014 = (3) on yield and growth parameters. The results showed that the autumn sowing has a significant increase in growth parameters compared to spring sowing: adapting coefficient (76.67-82.28%), Plant hight (67.15 - 56.3 cm), number of branches/plant (11.63 - 6.84), number of head/Plant (21.39 - 17.76), oil content (23.19 - 20.68)%, yield petals (96.12 - 60.57) kg/ha, seed yield (1331.82 - 768.31) kg/ha, oil yields (315.15 - 158.99) kg/ha to autumn and spring, respectively. While maturity date of autumn plants was delayed compared to spring (245.33 - 145.33) Day. When sowing was of autumn, growth parameters of third soing date were a significantly higher compared to both the second and first sowing: number of branches / plant, number of heads / plant, number of seeds / head, oil ratio (%), oil yield (kg/ha), yields seeds ( kg/ha), petals yield (kg/ha). Wheras the first sowing date has delayed maturity date compared of both the second and third sowing dates. When sowing was in spring, growth parameters of the first sowing dates were a significantly higher compared to both the second and third except for days to maturity.
This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Tissue Culture, Faculty of Agriculture, Tishreen University. Because of the importance of the food and economic of chickpea, two Winter chickpea cultivars (Ghab 4, Ghab 5) and two Vernal chickpea culti vars were used (ILC263, ILC1929) and planted in pots until flowering, so the floral buds were picked before opened and washed with distilled water and alcohol three times. Anthers were separated and treated at preliminary temperatures (4 Cْ for 48 hours, and 35 Cْ for 12 hours), then it washed with a solution of hypochlorite of sodium( Naocl 2%) for a period of 15 minute, and washed with distilled sterilized water ,then where planted on the environment Murashige and Skoog ( MS) equipped with 1, 3 and 5 mg/L of auxin 2,4, D, as well as 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg /L of Cytokinin Benzyl Amino Purine( BAP) individually and with interaction between them and incubated under conditions of 27 Cْ and 75% of the humidity and the intensity of 1500 Lux of light for 16 hours. The main objective of research was to study the effect of both preliminary heating treatment , quality and concentration of used hormone on producing callus from used chickpea cultivars anthers. Results showed difference in cultivars response in the treatment of both temperature and single hormone, so Ghab 5 cultivar was the most responsive to the formation of callus, while the results indicated that the highest percentage of the formation of callus was 40% when treated at 4 Cْ of Ghab 4 and Ghab 5 cultivars, while ILC263 cultivar showed less response in all the individual treatments for growth regulators. As well as results showed that the significant and catalyst role for using of hormones together with heat treatment, where each of Ghab 5, Ghab 4 and ILC1929 cultivars were the superiority, by the arrival of the percentage of 80% and 60%, respectively.

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