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نظام الجملة في آرامية أونكلوس دراسة نصية ولغوية بين الآرامية والعبرية ( سفر التكوين نموذجاً): تنتمي اللغة الآرامية إلى الأسرة اللغوية التي اصطلح تسميتها بأسرة اللغات السامية التي ضمت مجموعة متعددة من اللغات بما فيها اللغة الآرامية
تتميز المحفوظات التي تعود إلى العصر البرونزي المتأخر في سورية باحتوائها على كم كبير من الوثائق القانونية وعلى الرغم أن هذه الوثائق لم تشمل مجموعات تشريعية كاملة كتلك المكتشفة في بلاد الرافدين، فأنها تعد مصدرا مهما من مصادر دراسة قانون الشرق الأدنى القديم.
This study tries to settle some rules for the law of pharyngeal sounds. These rules rely on the existent live language usages. In order to put these rules, this study presents some information about the area of pharyngeal sounds, and the view of pre vious and more recent researchers to pharyngeal sounds. After this, the study presents pharyngeals in comparison between Arabic and Semitic languages. Later, the study proposes the existence of a general rule that applies to all members of the group of those languages; where all Semitic languages are obligated with this rule, except Arabic, in which the rule is applied optionally. This voluntary application of such a rule in Arabic resulted in the existence of many alternative forms much more than in other languages. The study has used two methods: The descriptive analytical and the comparative historical methods.
Arabic and Ugaritic languages both belong to one linguistic origin, and are connected with similar relations that came to both from the Proto Semitic. The linguistic materials are precisely read from the Ugarit texts in order to extract all joint or non-joint features. The comparisons and their counters in Arabic languages will be in the light of the other Semitic languages such as Phoenician-Canaanite, Hebrew, Syriac, and Akkadian languages. And since the letter “M” is a linguistic sound, which plays in other languages ( rather than Arabic) the role that letter “N” plays grammatically in Arabic language like dual ,normal, phonetic alterations, and in structuring verbs, names, articles and pronouns. Such comparative linguistic study between the two languages is indicative dictionaric and phonetic comparisons, Moreover, it is a continuation of the old origins of phonetic structures of pronunciation in Arabic Language, a rejection of the indicative alternations and an extraction of the phonetic laws that control the linguistic materials which are under those linguistic comparisons.
مدخل إلى نحو اللغات السامية المقارن يضم تعريف باللغة السامية الشمالية الشرقية والغربية, اللغة والكتابة, علم الصوت والنظام الصوتي, الصرف, الضمير , العدد, الأدوات والفعل

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا