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This research aimed to investigate the competitive situation and the growth reduction as a result of competition for brutia pine trees grown in Kafardabeel stand – Jableh. In the year 2015, 15 circle plots (with area size of 400 m²) in the study a rea planted in 1974 were sampled; all variations in the site like tree density, aspect, slop, topography and site fertility were covered. In the sample plot diameter at breast height of all trees and also coordinates of central tree and coordinates of all compotators as well as were measured. In order to study the competitive situation, two different types of competition indices: position dependent (Heygi1, Heygi2, BAL) and position independent (CCF) indices were used.
The study was achieved in 2014-2015 at Dahr Khribat stone pine forest, Latakia. to determine the factors affecting the natural regeneration of the stand. The results of climate studies indicated that the region is located in the semi-wet climate fl oor with a mild winter as the average of rainfall thermal coefficient reached (Q2 = 72.01). The study showed that the low productivity of cones (20 kg con / tree) was one of the limiting factors of natural regeneration. The trees high density (462 tree / ha), led to a decrease in tree diameter at breast level (30 cm) and low coronary size (320.2 m3). Seed germination was not affected by illumination periods, while salinity levels led to a significant decrease in germination from 90% at control to 19% at 0.5 mol / l. All of one year old sapling or seedling were dead during summer months, while more than 90% of two years old cultivated sapling, survived in all treatments, but no significant differences among them.
The study was excuted in Latakia governorate during the period (2014-2015). In this study, it has been used three cultivars of Eriobotrya japonica which were Seedawi, Morocan and Municipal). Onfigurable characterization, the average fruit weight ca lculation and the average number of seeds have been done of the fruit. Some chemical analysis were also conducted of the juice. The data has been statistical analyzed and the results showed that the earliest cultivar in maturity was Municipal. The highest rate of average fruit s weight was (53.40g) in Morocan cultivar. And the fruits shapes were between the oval shape in the Morocan and Seedawi cultivar, and circular shape in the Municipal cultivar. The Morocan and Seedawi cultivars have the supremacy in production quantity(34.67-34 kg/tree) respectively at the Municipal. The highest proportion was in vitamin C, the acidity and sugars were (0.977,1.073,15.20 %) respectively in municipal cultivar.
This research aimed to evaluate the growth and productivity of planted Pinus pinea in pure stands at "DAHR AL SORANI" forest site. The site is about 50 km north east of Tartous city, which is located in Temperate-Humid Bioclimate Zone. Results sho wed that the stands were not equivalent in growth indicators; this was due to many factors affecting growth like site characteristics and trees density…etc. In spite of the mediocre values of form factor, the volume and mean of annual increment was not influenced. Results revealed that the mean values of tree density was 851 trees/ha and ranged between 350 - 1975 trees/ha, woody volume was averaged at 116.337 m3/ha and ranged between 51.6519 - 215.3635 m3/ha; annual increment had also an average of 4.4548 m3/ha/year and ranged between 1.9866 - 7.9764 m3/ha/year. The study showed a high straightness of pine. Pinus pinea trees had very rarely forked boles.
تطورت التجارة الالكترونية عبر الإنترنيت و توسعت في المدة الأخيرة حتى تجاوز حجمها في بعض البلدان حجم الصفقات التي تجري عبر وسائل التجارة التقليدية. تعتمد التجارة الالكترونية على وسائل دفع الكترونية مثل بطاقات الائتمان و بطاقات الاعتماد و المحفظات الا لكترونية و غيرها، لكن لهذه الوسائل عدة مساوئ مثل وجود خطر سرقة رقم البطاقة، و كون صفقات المتعامل بها قابلة للتعقب و الملاحقة، و ارتفاع العمولة نسبياً حال استخدامها من أجل الدفعات الصغيرة. أدى ذلك إلى استمرار التعامل بالعملة الورقية مع مساوئها المتمثلة في كبر حجمها و وجود كلفة في نقلها و خطر على حاملها، و لأن تبادلها يحتاج إلى التقاء فعلي بين الأطراف المتبادلة. و قد نجم عما سبق فكرة الحاجة إلى نوع جديد من وسائل الدفع يجمع بين خصائص النقد التقليدي و ميزات وسائل الدفع الالكترونية و يتلافى مساوئ كل منهما، أطلق على هذه الوسيلة اسم النقد الرقمي الذي هو عبارة عن بيانات تحمل قيمة نقدية تُولَّد بطرائق الكترونية. و قد طورت عدة أنظمة للنقد الرقمي و لكل منها ميزاتها و حدود وقفت عندها. يبين هذا البحث أهم هذه الأنظمة و نظاماً جديداً مقترحاً يحقق متطلبات إضافية للنقد الرقمي لا تحققها الأنظمة السابقة مثل الكفاءة و التجزئة.
This research aimed to determine the relationship between diameter and size of Pinus trees available in 4 different regions in Swieda province. Breast height diameter and height of tree were measured for more than 500 Pinus Pinea trees. The relati onship between diameter and size was studied, and a model of diameter and size was developed as a polynomial model .
This paper studies indications and symbols hidden behind the usage of the Grand Sheikh Mohi` El-Din Ibn Arabi to the tree as a sublime model in his book “The tree of Universe”, to follow the steps of the Holy Quran that assisted in bringing the at tention of the extraordinary man to the pivotal role of the tree to be a real sample for the whole existence of the universe, and to be important for resemblances, consciousness and contemplation, to reach to a deep concept to the nature of relations that weave and contrive among the created existence of this universe together, and to relate all of them to the unified creation of the only Creator of this universe and all the wonders of this existence.
Study was conducted in five locations as the important areas for pomegranate cultivation and production in Yemen, during the period (15/1– 15/8/2004). Eight accessions of local pomegranate were used in this study: Taefi, Orkobi, Mellies–Hada, Khaz emy, Sommaty, Kodary, Chiny and Mellies– Raudha in addition to the wild pomegranate type (Socotria). The morphological characters were determined for leaves, flowers,fruits and seeds. The chemical analysis for juice was also assessed. Maximum rate for fruit weight was 527.3 gm for Kodary accession, whereas fruit Juic varied between 49.5–63.2%, while peel / fruit was varied between15% in Taefi and 35.9 % in Chiny, whereas the peel thickness varied between 1.5–4.2 mm. The Scotria was found to be evergreen, and flowers around the year. Kazemy accession gave higher fruits number/tree with rate 246.7. The greatest rate of T.S.S and Vitamin C were 18.57% and 11.12 mg respectively for Chiny accession, and the highest content of organic acids in these accessions was 0.54 % for Taefi.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا