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The aim of this study was to identify the level of transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and organizational effectiveness. The study examines the effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Effectiveness from the perspective of workers in Damascus Electricity General Company. In order to achieve these objectives the researcher used the Correlational Research approach. Questionnaire consisted of (45) items has designed to collect the primary data, it has been distributed to a sample of (82) employees, a (51) Questionnaires were analyzed by using the statistical program (SPSS). Findings indicated a high level of transformational leadership where the average (4.69), a medium degree of organizational commitment of workers where the mean value reached (3.50), the ratings of a sample of organizational effectiveness was medium where the average (3.48).The study concludes that there is a statistically significant effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Effectiveness. The study recommended to increase the practice of Transformational Leadership. Because of its role in creating the organizational commitment of employees, in order to increase the level of organizational effectiveness of company, which will reflected on raising the level of company’ economic and social performance.
This research aims basically to highlight the role and importance of climate psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in the activation of organizational loyalty status of employees in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations (TPSS) at issue. For that reason, the researcher has randomly distributed copies of the questionnaire for 210 employees working in (TPSS). The results obtained are as follows: • There is a low rate of the climate psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations for the personnel concerned. • There is a low rate of organizational loyalty in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations for the personnel concerned. • There is a significant positive relationship between all the dimensions of the climate of psychological empowerment (Meaning, Autonomy, competence, Impact) and organizational loyalty. In the light of the results obtained, this study recommends that attention be given to activating the strategic role of human resources management, making them hold their advanced positions in order to be able to coordinate and integrate all their functions and then direct these functions towards supporting the climate of psychological empowerment for personnel through the establishment of an organizational culture supportive of creativity, enhanced by a flexible organic structure design allowing to practice these functions from a strategic behavioral perspective.
Basically, this research aims to clarify the true meaning of the concept of strategic planning for human resources by highlighting the cases or roles that shape the orientation and general direction of the importance and status of the role played b y the process of implementation or configuration strategy of human resources in the organization of the hierarchy strategy map. A qualitative approach that focuses inherently to discovering meaning has been used, giving explanations and describing the situation, phenomenon, and problems, rather than interpreting certain results. Through an extensive literature survey of the characteristics of human resources strategy in the organization and the process of deepening the concepts, this research shows the following: • Terms of the process of strategic planning for human resources are realized when the implementation or configuration of human resources strategy is done, as a final strategy, at the level of the organization as a whole, which must adapt to and be supported by all the other strategies of the organization. • We call the procedures for the implementation and configuration strategy for human resources in the organization at the operational level supportive strategies adapted to the requirements of a competitive business strategy in the organization by "Strategic Steering of Human Resources”. • As for the concept of strategic human resource planning, it is the process of expressing private strategy formulation process of human resource planning as one of the functions of traditional human resource management at the tactical level within the context of the organization's strategic perspective as a whole.
تعاصر الإدارة في البلدان العربية شأنها شأن الإدارة في أي مكان، الثورة التكنولوجيـة و اقتصاد المعلومات التي تؤدي دوراً رئيسياً في نمط حياتنا اليومية و ما نقـوم بـه مـن أعمال بعد أن أحدثت تغيراً ملحوظاً في حياة المجتمع، و فرضـت علـى الإدارة أن تعيـد صياغة سياستها من جديد، و أن تغرس عناصر المرونة و التكيف في قلب هذه السياسات و بما يتفق مع المعايير و المقاييس التي تنسجم مع الأهداف، و وضـع هيكليـة المتابعـة و الإشراف و تصميم التنظيمات الإدارية و الأساليب وفقاً لمعطيات التقانة الجديدة و المتجددة كي تتمكن من تنفيذ مهام متكاملة وصولاً إلى الغايات و المقاصد النهائية و التـي ترغـب بالوصول إليها. لذلك تعد المتغيرات التكنولوجية ظاهرة حياتية ينبغي أن تخضع للدراسة بقصد تبيان أثرها في كفاءة العملية الإدارية بصفة عامة و في فعالية أداء وظيفة الرقابـة بوصفها وظيفةً من وظائف الإدارة الأساسية بصفة خاصة، لأن الإدارة الرشيدة و الناجحة هي التي تعمل على استغلال الموارد المتاحة لديها الاستغلال الأمثـل و الرشـيد و الـذي يتماشى مع حاجات المجتمع للوصول إلى حياة أفضل و مستوى معيشة أرقى. و لكن هذا لا يعني أن تجعل الإدارة، الأعمال أكثر صعوبة أو تعقيداً أو زيادة الناتج عن طريق زيـادة ساعات العمل، بل يعني أن تستخدم الأساليب و الوسائل و النظم و الطرائق التقنية الأفضـل و الأكثر فعالية و الكشف عن نقاط الضعف و تجنب أي إسراف في الموارد و الطاقة، و العمل وفق معايير موضوعية بعيدة عن المؤثرات الشخصية لتحقيق ما تريد الوصول إليه بأقل تكلفة ممكنة. و كما قال السيد الرئيس حافظ الأسد: «إن تطوير العمل في أجهزة الدولـة بات ضرورة ملحة و مسؤولية وطنية حتى لا تتسع الفجوة بيننا و بين الآخـرين و حتـى نكون شركاء أكفاء في كل ما يجري من تطورات سياسية و اقتصادية في الوطن العربـي و في العالم».
The research aim to study the training and its implicit improving the efficiency of to the performance of employees in the Syrian insurance company. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of training workers to act and how to prepare this company training programs where the training is investment long –term the most important resources of the company researched through the development of skills and knowledge of this leads to improve their performance in providing services to consumers.
The information systems was very important in any organization, where the information systems management had to holds the process for searching the information and understand it, The importance of information systems was in ability to bring a lot of benefits for organizations such as flexibility, speed in achieving the goals, reduce the costs and provide useful information in a right time and place for decision-makers.
This study attempts to answer the following main question, what is the impact of social responsibility and job satisfaction on performance of the Syrian Shareholding Companies? And therefore its results can help these companies to clarify the practic es that lead to improve its competitiveness, by increasing their compatibility with their employees and the community in which they operate

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