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Responsibility, generally speaking, is deemed as one of the most important foundations of the human life since it governs most of the relations between the members of a community. The present study highlights the role of legal responsibility of th e public employee since he is seen as a normal human being and a member of a certain community, in addition to his employment status. The concept and the nature of such a responsibility takes into account the nature, characteristics, and the outcomes of it.
The public moral person practices its rights by its employees and representatives. That practice may causes damages to others. That is when its responsibility appears in order to apply justice in society. As there is no dispute or doubt about publ ic moral person responsibility of its faults in jurisdiction of state council in France, Egypt and Syria, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any differences about identifying the responsible of that faults.
The theory of exceptional circumstances has emerged to enable the administrative control authorities to face the difficult crises and to provide them with the powers that allow them to take the measures required by the situation at the maximum spe ed, even if they contravene the ordinary laws, in order to preserve the objectives of the administration The defect that led to the disturbance of the general facility. The role of administrative control in the face of exceptional circumstances is of great importance. The legislator often extends these powers by constitutional provisions, such as those relating to the necessity regulations or special laws, such as emergency law and martial law .
Administrative contracts are characterized by a fundamental characteristic, namely, that the contractor performs his own obligations imposed on him under the contract, The principle of a person to the contractor, plays a very important role in the field of administrative contracts due to the strong relation between administrative contracts and Public utility.
Having the administrative contracts theory recognized the vast powers of the administrative body against the contractor with; it also takes into consideration, at the same time, to ensure that the contractor's rights which are derived from the contract and the general rules in order to ensure a balance between the administrative body and the contractor.
هناك تعرف علمي للبيئة يركز على الوسط الذي يعيش فيه الإنسان و تفاعله مع غيره من الكائنات الحية, و تعريف قانوني ضيق للبيئة يركز على الوسط الطبيعي الذي يعيش فيه الإنسان بما يشمله من هواء و ماء و تربة و تعريف آخر موسع يضيف للوسط الطبيعي مايقيمه الإنسان من منشآت (الوسط الاصطناعي).

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا