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Localization of fourth generation wireless networks using WiMAX technology Implementing a wireless network throughout Syria

توطين الشبكات اللاسلكية الجيل الرابع باستخدام تقنية wimax تطبيق شبكة لاسلكية على كامل الاراضي السورية

84   0   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Network Engineering
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Wireless broadband is the meeting point between two of the most important growth stories in the telecommunications industry. Broadband services have achieved great success in recent years, as has wireless communication technologies.

References used
الشركة السورية للاتصالات . (2011) التقرير السنوي
rate research

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The current researches are moving towards more development in order to provide the growing the needs of users such as support real-time applications, quality of service, particularly; the high data rate transfer and other. That prompts the network service providers to integrate many properties for different networks resource, and support providing the service "anywhere and anytime". Hence, the importance of this research, which aims to study the vertical handover as very important and necessary step to provide the mobility of mobile nodes between the different networks by using Media Independent Handover (MIH) IEEE802.21standard which is developed in January 2009. In this paper, the performance of vertical handover between these two networks is evaluated taking into account many parameters such as packet loss, handover latency, and throughput, using NS2 simulator (Network Simulator version2) which includes a support for MIH technology by the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST).
Wireless Broadband is the meeting point between two of the most important growth stories in telecommunications industry . The broadband technologies have achieved great success in recent years , which is the same thing that happened with wireless com munication technologies
The fourth fillial generation with their parents p1 and p2 for four crosses in six row barley (Hordium vulgare L.): Jezera1 x Badya, Tadmer x Arivat, Rehan x Bendict and Rum x Forest. The seeds were planted in 2007 using R.C.B.D. with four replica tions. The data were recorded for the traits; maturity time, number of spikes, spike length, grain yield, weight of 1000 grains and number of grains per spike, to estimate average degree of dominance, heritability and expected genetic advance from selection.. The results showed that over dominance were presence for the studied traits. The values of broad sense heritability were high for the studied traits in the all crosses. The values of narrow sense heritability were (1) high for number of spikes in the all crosses, maturity time, grain yield and spike length in the second and fourth crosses and weight of 1000 grains in the second cross(2) low for the weight of 1000 grains and number of grains per spike in the fourth cross.(3) moderately for the other traits. The results of this study indicated that selection will be effective to obtain superior strains in the four crosses for the studied traits except spike length and weight of 1000 grains in the second cross. Therefore recurrent selection will be suggested to increase the desirable genes.
في هذا المشروع سوف نستثمر مجموعظة من الأدوات الرياضية من خوارزميات تعلم الآلة machine learning و الأمثلة المحدبة convex optimization و "النماذج الاحتمالية البيانية" probabilistic graphical model في إطار "الشبكات المعرفية" cognitive networking وذلك لأمثلة optimize أنواع مختلفة من الشبكات اللاسلكية مثل: شبكات الحساسات اللاسلكية WSN ، و الشبكات التكتيكية الهجينة tactical networks ، و الشبكات المحلية اللاسلكية WLAN . تتمثل "الشبكات المعرفية" في تطبيق "معرفة" cognition على كامل مكدس البروتوكولات protocol stack لتحقيق أهداف الأداء، بخلاف "الراديو المعرفي" cognitive radio الذي يطبق المعرفة فقط على الطبقة الفيزيائية.
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks are used for data transfer. The nodes of such networks do not require presetting. They are characterized by dynamic data transfer during their movement of the nodes. MANET could be targeted by potential security breaches. Bl ack hole attack is one of the serious attacks targeting wireless AD_HOC networks through a false point whichcan absorb data and send them to another place or neglect them. This is due to the lack of central control node which is able to manage communications. This research investigates the effects of the black hole on the performance of hybrid routing protocol Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and proactive routing protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) for a variable number of mobile nodes in different speeds in a high load environment.

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