نهدف في هذا البحث إلى إثبات وجود و وحدانية حل قوي لمسألة القيم الحدية الابتدائية للمعادلة الموجية شبه الخطية مع شرط التبدد الحدي اللاخطي، بتحويلها إلى مسألة كوشي ذات معادلة تفاضلية مؤثرية من المرتبة الثانية في فضاء هلبرت، و ذلك باستخدام صيغة غرين لثلاثية من فضاءات هلبرت.
We aim in this research to study the existence and uniqueness of strong solution for
initial-boundary values problem for a semi-linear wave equation with the nonlinear
boundary dissipation, by transforming it to a Cauchy problem with second order operator
differential equations in Hilbert space. Therefore, we transform it, using Green's formula
for a triple of Hilbert spaces.
References used
CHUESHOV,I.D, ELLER,M, and LASIECKA,I. ''Finite dimensionality of the attractor for a semi-linear wave equation with non linear boundary dissipation ''. Partial differential equations ,29,No,11-12,1847-1867, 2004
KOPACHEVSKY,N.D, KREIN,S.G, and Nogo Zui Kan. ''Operato methods in linear Hydrodynamics: Evolution and Spectral problems''. Moscow,1989
KOPACHEVSKY,N.D.An abstract Green formula for a triple of Hilbert spaces and its applications to the Stokes problem ,Tavrich. Vestn. Mat. Inf., No. 2, 52–80,2004
Most of mathematical physics problems can be translated into solve one
partial differential equation or more with specific initial conditions and
boundary conditions. This is called the boundary value problem for the
differential equations.
This research studies solving the linear second order difference
equation with variable coefficients.
For solving this equation we use two theorems and prove these theorems as well
as we use some definitions and main concepts .
In this paper, we present approximate solutions for the
Advection equation by finite differences method. In this method we
convert the nonlinear partial differential equation into a system of
nonlinear equations by some finite differences methods.
In this paper, spline collocation method is considered for solving two forms of problems. The first form is general linear sixth-order boundary-value problem (BVP), and the second form is nonlinear sixth-order initial value problem (IVP). The existen
In this research was proofed that the first liner essential
problem of electro Elasticity theory has unique solution .
This problem aim to find the vector which belong to the
class and realize the folowing system of equations :
For som bondary conditions , In improving that the Dairkhli integral
was used .