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تاثير مستويات مختلفة من مياه الجفت على نمو وإنتاجية البطاطا

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
الشعار محمد الاشقر عصام ( 2003) المعالجة الحيوية للمخلفات الناتجة عن عصر ثمار الزيتون
rate research

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Field experiment was conducted during the season (2011-2012)at Bhanine village in Tartous city. Maize seeds of Ghouta 82 variety were planted in plastic pots filled with calcareous soil .Treatments including three levels of B( 0 , 3 , and 6 kg.ha-1) as boric acid form and four levels of Zn (0 ,8,16 and 24 kg.ha-1) as zinc sulphate form added to the soil when it was preparation to farming , in a completely randomized block design with three replications, to study the effect of different levels of boron and zinc and their interactions on Maize growth and its contents of some nutrient elements . the readings that was taken plant length leaf area index ,wet and dry weight for plant in three growth stage: vegetative growth , start and end of flowering , stage , and evaluation concentration of N ,P , K ,B , Zn,Mn,Fe,Cu nutrients in the leaves at the back stages, in addition at havest stage.
A field experiment was conducted in Tartous Governorate, on the Arachis hypogaea . L during tow growing season (2012- 2013)(2013-2014). Experiment was included 6 treatments with three replicates: control (without fertilization), different rates of Olive Mail Waste Water (OMWW) (5-10-15) l/m2 , organic fertilizer (30 tn/h)and nitrogen fertilizer(30)kg/h. The research aimed to know effect of these Additions on some physiological groups of microorganisms, nodulation on plant roots and nitrogen relative bacteria Arachis hypogaea . L. yield.
تعد زراعة الزيتون في المنطقة الساحلية في الجمهورية العربية السورية من الزراعات الاقتصادية الهامة حيث ينتج عن صناعة استخراج زيت الزيتون مخلفات سائلة تدعى مياه الجفت

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