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The Seller's Obligation To Deliver The Goods In The Maritime Sales Contract Fob

التزام البائع بتسليم البضاعة في عقد البيع البحري FOB

1157   5   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2019
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Ahmad Ali

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One of the most important marine sales, and the most dealing with international trade contracts, is the FOB sales contract, which is the delivery on board the ship, and it is no secret that the obligations of this contract are the responsibility of both the seller and the buyer, both. The most important obligations of the seller in the case of selling the goods under the FOB contract, the obligation to deliver the goods, as the seller, once he delivered them on board the ship, transfers the ownership of the goods to the buyer, and accordingly moves accordingly the risks that they may encounter across the sea. However, the seller may refrain from delivering the goods, and this has many implications, especially the most important one is to give the buyer the right to request in-kind implementation or the termination of the FOB contract, which constitutes a breach and disruption in the level of international trade as a whole, given the complexity of the commercial relations that arise from this contract, on the one hand On the other hand, the seller’s failure to deliver the goods is considered to be the loss of the trust that forms the basis of the commercial deal.

References used
د. فرعون، هشام، 1995، القانون التجاري البحري، ط3، مطبعة جامعة حلب، منشورات جامعة حلب/سورية.
د. المقدادي، عادل علي، 2002، القانون البحري، ط1، مكتبة الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع، عمان/ الأردن.
د. موسى، طالب حسن، 2008، قانون التجارة الدولية، ط2، دار الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع، عمان/ الأردن.
Terré, François et Simleret, Philippe et Lequatte, Yves, les obligations droit civil ,7e édition ,dalloz ,1999.
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