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التصوير الفني للكائنات الغيبية في القرآن الكريم

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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النقد الأدبي , أحمد امين ط4 , دار الكتاب العربي بيروت
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لقد جمعت في هذا البحث الموسوم ب((الوحي في القرآن الكريم )) معنى كلمة الوحي في اللغة، و العلم، و العقل، و الشرع، و أنواع الوحي و صوره، و أدلته النقلية و العقلية، و هل هو مقصور على ذكور بني آدم. و اختلاف الناس في نبوة النساء. و العلاقة بين الوحي السم اوي و البشري و الشيطاني. و أمثلة على شبه الجاحدين و الرد عليها.
Taght find differing formulas and buildings simslar in the words of the Koran within the context compares names and names in terms of definition and saying that the indefinite , and plural forms , and between the acts and deeds ; the expression of th e past and the present tense , and the construction of the known and the construction of the unknown , and the names and deeds ; the expression palmdhara and the actor's ma,e , and source and the source , deals with the meanings and uses nuances according to the required linguisric context , and the context of the case , and trying to analyze those formulas and structures analysis linguistically accurate up to eventually secures or end semantic of isomorphism those words and similarity . And display search the views of scientists from linguists and dropped by the interpreters and Blagaan between the different destinations , opinions and attitudes between similar to those formulas and buildings and similarity , or different and contrast , all within the quranic installation and linguistic jewelers , and appropriate , and the article And ends with a conclusion find the findings of the research involved .
تواجه الإنسان خلال رحلته في الحياة الدنيا مصائب، و تلاقيـه آلام، فتـنغص حياتـه و تكدر صفوه، فلا يهنأ له عيش، و لا تطمئن له نفس. فهذه دراسة لتلك الظاهرة التي رافقت البشرية منذ أن وجدت، فلا يستطيعون لها دفعـاً، و لا يجدون منها مفراً. فما حكم هذا ال ابتلاء الذي هو من سنن االله في خلقه، و ما الحكمة منه، و ما حقيقتـه بالنسبة لعلم االله تعالى، و ما أشكاله و صوره و سر تنوعه، و ما موقف المكلف منه، و مـا أسبابه و فوائده، و ما أثره في الشخصية؟.
There are many Qoranic interpretations that do not fulfill the objective conditions ,obviously many false ideas had been put into them . So we have to confront and clarify them for more knowledge. As many studies did ,but the originated researches are still relatively few . This research is basically done to put the out lines to differentiate between authorized and none authorized ideas in explaining the Holy Qoraan. . ..
This research reveals the influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .It spotlights the most important texts that were in fluenced by the Holy Koran .For the Holy Koran is a rich material in Ibn_ Zydoun,s literature.It over whelmed an artistic and aesthetic splendor through the details and the new structural technics,which have been added by the influence of the Holy Koran in his prose and poetry as well.
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