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منهج البحث اللغوي عند الأخفش والفراء في معاني القرآن

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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اللغة النحوية نشأتها وتطورها د . مازن مبارك المكتبة الحديثة بيروت لبنان 1965م
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This research attempts to reveal the methodology of Linguistic research between two great and contemporary scientist, one of which belongs to the Visual School، which is the shy I b n masَ a da، the moth important of the linguists of his time, and al- farraa understand people of ku fa in Arabic after AL-ksaie. This research shows the foundation of Quranic studies and the methodology of research during the second and third centuries AH, and thus wecan conclude that contents of these books is a language related to reading and dialects and the issues of grammatical، morphological and interpretive.
The Impact of Translating Quran According to The Fundamentalists Studying the holy quranic vocabulary is very important for understanding the desired meanings, that the scholars deduce. This process will not happen without deep knowledge of Arabic , the language it was revealed in. Therefore it is very important to stress on not translating the lateral one of this holy book, because any other languages will not be able to comprehend the Arabic vocabulary. In this study, I tried to discuss all these issues and show the correct opinions among them. Finally I concluded to the consensus of all scholars tat translating Quran laterally is forbidden, but translating the meanings of Quran is allowed according to certain rules and approaches..
This research dealt grammatically with Quranic readings in the book of ( Majma Al- Bayan in Tafsseer Al-Qwran ) for the Imam Tabarsi, who died in (548 AH) with a brief presentation of the views of grammarians and Interpreters in the studied verses.
The study also aims to design a micro teachy unite that can be a .model to follow The researcher adopted to achieve this goal on a group of Arabic doctors and nurses to create a list of common words most commonly used in the medical field, throug h its verdict interview by researcher. And conducted with a number of Arabic doctors and nurses in a number of hospital in Damascus. Researcher came out of them a list of mini prevalence and a number of linguistic needs arranged in order of importance, then on the basis that he designed educational units belong to doctors and nurses from non-Arabic .speakers The researcher found the outcome of this work to the importance of building an educational series belong to the category mentioned, after the preparation of a complete list of common words in the medical field, guiding graduate students to work on such a social .and practical significance studies in our lives.
لقد جمعت في هذا البحث الموسوم ب((الوحي في القرآن الكريم )) معنى كلمة الوحي في اللغة، و العلم، و العقل، و الشرع، و أنواع الوحي و صوره، و أدلته النقلية و العقلية، و هل هو مقصور على ذكور بني آدم. و اختلاف الناس في نبوة النساء. و العلاقة بين الوحي السم اوي و البشري و الشيطاني. و أمثلة على شبه الجاحدين و الرد عليها.
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