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دراسة انتشار التأثيرات الضائرة للأدوية المضادة للصرع على الكثافة المعدنية للعظام عند مرضى الصرع

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Pharmacy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم التأثيرات الضارة للأدوية المضادة للصرع على الكثافة المعدنية للعظام لدى مرضى الصرع في سوريا، مع التركيز على دواءين شائعين هما الفالبروات واللاموتريجين. تم إجراء دراسة مقطعية على 69 مريضًا بالصرع يتناولون أحد هذين الدواءين لمدة لا تقل عن سنة، وتمت مقارنة نتائجهم مع 50 شخصًا سليمًا من نفس العمر والجنس. أظهرت النتائج انخفاضًا ملحوظًا في الكثافة المعدنية للعظام لدى المرضى مقارنة بالأصحاء، خاصة في مجموعة الفالبروات. كما تبين أن 98.5% من المرضى يعانون من نقص فيتامين D، وهو ما يعكس مشكلة صحية واسعة الانتشار. أوصت الدراسة بضرورة اتخاذ إجراءات وقائية وعلاجية لتحسين صحة العظام لدى مرضى الصرع، بما في ذلك تناول مكملات الكالسيوم وفيتامين D.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة هامة في فهم التأثيرات الضارة للأدوية المضادة للصرع على صحة العظام، ولكنها ليست خالية من العيوب. أولاً، كان حجم العينة صغيرًا نسبيًا، مما قد يؤثر على تعميم النتائج. ثانياً، لم يتم استخدام تقنيات تصوير شعاعي للكشف عن الكسور غير العرضية، مما قد يؤدي إلى تقدير غير دقيق لمعدل الكسور. ثالثًا، لم يتم النظر في تأثير العوامل الوراثية التي قد تؤثر على صحة العظام. وأخيرًا، كان من الأفضل تضمين مجموعة من المرضى الذين يتناولون أدوية مضادة للصرع أخرى للمقارنة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تقييم التأثيرات الضارة للأدوية المضادة للصرع على الكثافة المعدنية للعظام لدى مرضى الصرع في سوريا، مع التركيز على دواءين شائعين هما الفالبروات واللاموتريجين.

  2. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    أظهرت الدراسة انخفاضًا ملحوظًا في الكثافة المعدنية للعظام لدى المرضى مقارنة بالأصحاء، خاصة في مجموعة الفالبروات. كما تبين أن 98.5% من المرضى يعانون من نقص فيتامين D.

  3. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    أوصت الدراسة بضرورة اتخاذ إجراءات وقائية وعلاجية لتحسين صحة العظام لدى مرضى الصرع، بما في ذلك تناول مكملات الكالسيوم وفيتامين D.

  4. ما هي العيوب الرئيسية في هذه الدراسة؟

    العيوب تشمل حجم العينة الصغير، عدم استخدام تقنيات تصوير شعاعي للكشف عن الكسور غير العرضية، عدم النظر في تأثير العوامل الوراثية، وعدم تضمين مجموعة من المرضى الذين يتناولون أدوية مضادة للصرع أخرى للمقارنة.

References used
Pack AM, Morrell Mj . Epilepsy and bone health in adults Epilepsy Behav 2004
rate research

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Background: Inappropriate prescriptions are important risk factors associated with increased adverse drug effects, morbidity, and depletion of health care resources for the elderly patient community, then the development of Beyer criteria as a reference and an approved general framework for assessing the safety of drug care administered to the elderly.
113 psoriatic patients participated in the study. The patients were selected from the Dermatology and Venereology department at Alasad hospital in Lattakia city between 2012-2013 years. Mycological examination was carried out in all patients showing psoriatic nail changes .The aim of the study is to evaluate : the frequency of nail changes in psoriatic patients, the frequency of onychomychosis in patients with nail psoriasis and the factors that may have a role in the incidence of onychomcosis in patients with nail psoriasis. Nail changes were seen in (61.9%) of psoriatic patients (70 patients). Positive mycological cultures were obtained from 34 patients (48.6%). There was an increase of the incidence of onychomycosis in patients with high levels of NAPSI and long duration of psoriasis and nail psoriasis. There was a relationship between onychomycosis and the age of the patient. We found an increase of the incidence of onychomycosis among the patients who had a systemic therapy for psoriasis (methotrexate,cyclosporine) and the patients who had a history of contusion on nails. There was no relationship between onychomychosis and the gender of the patient. This study confirmed that onychomycosis may occur in patients with nail psoriasis
Background: Diabetes mellitus type2 (T2DM) and thyroid dysfunction (TD) are the two most common endocrine disorders in clinical practice. The unrecognized TD may adversely affect the metabolic control and add more risk to an already predisposing s cenario for cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of TD in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: To determine the prevalence and patterns of thyroid dysfunction in patients with type2 diabetes mellitus. Material and methods: Study included total 362 subjects (204 type2 diabetic patients and 158 healthy non diabetic subjects). Agroup of type2 diabetic patients and control group were evaluated for thyroid dysfunction by testing TSH and FT4 when TSH was abnormal. The correlation of prevalence of thyroid disorder with gender distribution, age distribution, duration of diabetes, BMI, treatment, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), serum triglyceride and serum cholesterol was then done in diabetic patients. The observations and interpretations were recorded and results obtained were statistically analyzed. Results: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among type2 diabetic patients was found to be 13,2%. In the control group, the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 6,3%. There was a significant difference between diabetics and control subjects p= 0,031.The most frequently TD in type2 diabetic patients was subclinical hypothyroidism (8,3%). Thyroid dysfunction was significantly correlated with gender (women > man), age < 60 years, FPG > 130mg/dl, TG > 150mg/dl and insulin treatment in type2 diabetic patients. Conclusion: Screening of thyroid dysfunction shoud be done in all Type2 diabetic patients.
The study included 184 patients with type 2 diabetes referred to the specialist clinic or admitted in the sections of Al-Assad University Hospital in Damascus during the years 2012-2013. The patients were divided into three groups: Group A: a group of patients with diabetes is not treated with Metformin, 72 patients (39,1%). Group B: a group of patients with diabetes is treated with Metformin for more than 18 months, 72 patients (39,1%). Group C: a group of patients with diabetes is treated with Metformin for less than 6 months, 40 patients (21,8%). This study showed that 43,5% of the patients have Vit B12 deficiency: 32,6% of patients with diabetes treated with Metformin compared with 10,9% non treated with Metformin. The patients who were treated with Metformin (112 patients) were divided by dose intake and then depending on the duration of treatment into two groups for each category and shown an inverse correlation between duration and dose of therapy with metformin and levels of Vit B12. We also found that despite the increased risk of Vit B12 deficiency in patients with diabetes treated with Metformin but this was not associated with the occurrence of symptoms such as megaloplastic anemia and neurological symptoms.
In recent years, attention has been given to polymeric nanoparticles as promising drug delivery systems through the vital mucus and the development of several drug delivery systems to the brain, including chitosan nanoparticles because of their advan tages, which are the bio-adhesive properties. The aim of the presented study focuses on preparing chitosan nanoparticles and evaluating the properties of the resulting particles according to the encapsulation efficiency and resulting dimensions. The methods of ionic cross linking, emulsification with solvent diffusion and evaporation, and nanopricipitation methods were employed to produce the nanoparticles. The nanopricipitation method based on adding organic phase contained lecithin and phenytoin to the chitosan solution in aqueous medium showed the greatest encapsulation efficiency (EE%) reaching 67% with dimensions of 311.3nm. These results are preliminary, but they are promising for determination of manufacturing conditions to reach the best physicochemical properties of the prepared particles and to study their effectiveness in brain targeting after being administrated via the nasal route.
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