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دراسة مقارنة بين النظرية التقليدية ونموذج راش فى اختيار فقرات مقياس مداخل الدراسة لدى طلاب الجامعة

870   1   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2020
  fields Psychology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
- أحلام الشربينى ورضا حجازى (2002)0 تقويم تحصيل تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم الأساسى فى العلوم باستخدام نظرية السمات الكامنة 0 بحوث المؤتمر العلمى السادس للتربية العلمية ، المجلد الثانى ، 611-648 0
- أحمد عودة (1992) 0مدى التوافق بين نموذج راش والمؤشرات التقليدية فى اختيار فقرات مقياس اتجاه سباعى التدريج ، مجلة كلية التربية بجامعة الإمارات ، العدد (8) يونيو ، 153-179
إسماعيل الوليلى (2001)0 دراسة سيكومترية مقـارنة لبعض نماذج الاستجابة للمفردة فى انتقاء مفردات الاختبارات مرجعية المحك 0 رسالة دكتوراه ، جامعة الأزهر ، كلية التربي
- أمينة كاظم (1996) 0نماذج السمات الكامنة فى ( أنور الشرقاوى وآخرون (1996)0 اتجاهات معاصرة فى القياس والتقويم النفسى والتربوى0القاهرة ، الانجلو المصرية
سعد عبد الرحمن (1998)0 القياس النفسى ( النظرية والتطبيق) 0 ط3 ، القاهرة ، دار الفكر العربى
- السيد أبو هاشم (2004) 0الدليل الإحصائى فى تحليل البيانات باستخدام SPSS 0 الرياض ، مكتبة الرشد
صلاح الدين علام (1985)0 تحليل بيانات الاختبارات العقلية باستخدام نموذج راش اللوغاريتمى الاحتمالى (دراسة تجريبية) 0 جامعة الكويت ، المجلة العربية للعلوم الإنسانية ، العدد(17) ، 100-1
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The current research is aimed at scaling Psychasthenia scale of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 , access to a new form and brief to the test, it,s liberal from the sample and items properties, using one and pair parameter models, and testing the effect of two variables in the results of scaling Psychasthenia scale (the model used, the sample size) with using criteria of accuracy as the Standard Error, Relaibility and Information Function.
The elements of social organization enhance and achieve balance and stability in order to achieve the objectives of the other elements that contribute to the manifestations of conflict and confirm the discrepancy between the social workers because of the different interests and divergent goals pursued by multiple groups within the organization.
Ligating between brackets and orthodontic wire is considered one of the important factor affecting the frictional resistance during sliding movements. Aim of study: For these reasons this investigation aimed to compare the friction associating wi th sliding movement for two types of brackets : selfligating brackets and conventional brackets ; along stainless steel arch wires.
The current research aims to know the nature of the relationship between the psychological needs and the image of self and other on members of the research sample. know the differences between high school students and university students in both of the image of self and other, and the differences between the two examples mentioned in the psychological needs.
Marriage is considered equal right which was built on mutual understanding, cooperation and affection, it is the vital road Tayeb Tahir to maintain the noble sentiments between men and women, and marriage is not a way to physical sensory mixing bet ween men and women, but it is a natural way to holders of common sense to the emotional mixing, psychological gratification and emotional integration, where each of the spouses is considered a dress for another, conceals, protects and warmth him, he says: {are you as you dress to dress them} [Al-Baqarah: 187] Given the feelings of love, which is made between the couple, it strengthen their connection by sharing these feelings, God has created people with love, which is a strong bond between a man and his wife, it is the weapon that helps them making their way in life, and withstanding the rigors of life and its troubles. One of the problems that have invaded our Arab and Islamic communities is the phenomenon of customary marriages (or so-called Al Madani sometimes), but as a result of the intellectual invasion of Islamic societies, illegitimate relations began to spread among young men and women before marriage, under the slogans of false misleading, and under the pretext of love and dating sometimes, and that this way the right to marry output, and this is tainted by a lot of ambiguity and uncertainty for those who looked more closely to what is happening around us, and it finds that the loss of these relationships is huge, and the consequences dire, how many marriages failed and many stumble, because it began with such relations, and did not rely on legitimate laws people are born with.
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