The experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Center in Salamiah in Hama province, in
clay loam soil in October 2010. Furat tractor with a single hung disk harrow was used as a machinery unit,
using three speeds. the seeding with drill
seeder was executed after Applying tillage one time for the systems
required one face, and twice for the systems required two, while a plot of land was left for" zero tillage"
The type of tillage methods is considered to be as an important
factor for seed bed preparation, consequently, this will be reflected
in the quantity and quality of production, in comparison to control
(minimum tillage) different types of tillage
methods were used such
as turning plough, standard disk plough etc, for Anise Pimpinella
anisum seed bed preparation, the experiment was conducted in the
western area of Homs province.
هدفت الدراسة إلى تعرف إمكانية تطبيق أسلوب الأساس الصفري في إعداد موازنات الوزارات الأردنية لما يحققه من ميزات، و على درجة توافر المتطلبات اللازمة لتطبيقه و الصعوبات التي تواجه إمكانية تطبيقه، و توصلت الدراسة إلى أن أسلوب إعداد الموازنة الصفرية يمكن م
ن إيجاد الرقابة الفعالة على التكاليف و تحسين التخطيط و المتابعة و تحسين الفعالية و الكفاءة في تخصيص الموارد و إن إمكانية تنفيذ خطوات إعدادها ممكنة لتوافر المتطلبات اللازمة لذلك على الرغم من وجود بعض الصعوبات إلا أّنها ليست بدرجة عالية من الأهمية. و أوصت الدراسة بتطبيق أسلوب الأساس الصفري في إعداد الموازنة الأردنية و أن تعمل الوزارات على استكمال توافر المتطلبات
اللازمة و تذليل الصعوبات التي تواجه تطبيقه.
The research was carried out during (2008-2009) and (2009-2010) in Fedio farm belonging to the Faculty of Agriculture to study the effect of various systems of tillage on the growth and productivity of Barley.
The results showed that the bulk densit
y increases with the first tillage system (control), comparing with the other tillage systems, but all of them were less than the control (no- tillage). The number of weeds increased when using the 6-th tillage system. The germination rate was affected by the tillage systems. The 6-th tillage system was the best. The weight of 1000 seeds and productivity increased by the 1-th tillage system (no-tillage) comparing with the other tillage systems. The number of weeds increased, but germination rate and weight of 1000 seeds decreased by using the 6-th tillage system. The yield of barley increased when using the 6-th tillage system. No-tillage system was the most economic compared with the others.
The experiment was carried out in agricultural season (2015-2016) in
Zahid local for field agricultur in Tartous to study the effect of different
systems of tillage (zero tillage, plowing of the chisel plow, moldboard
plowing and disc plowing ) on
the growth and productivity of rainfed
barley, the land was cultivated in the first half of November with barley
varieties (Hordeum sp ) and used randomized complete design 7
treatments with 3 replicates were used with L.S.D test at 5% level.