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Methods to benefit from the remnants of agricultural products and manufacturing in costral area and their impact on sustainable development

سبل الاستفادة من مخلفات الإنتاج والتصنيع الزراعي في المنطقة الساحلية واثرها على التنمية المستدامة

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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حرب , محمد "المخلفات الزراعية التي يمكن استخدامها كعلف للابقار والاغنام في الاردن 2009.
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This research was conducted in Lattakia province during the year 2012 first, to identify the current status of the production residues and agro-processing materials in the province and, second, to introduce modern methods of taking advantage of the m and raising their nutritional value. Results showed that, the most agricultural residues are not optimally used, instead, they were disposed and accumulated causing substantial losses and environmental pollution. Results showed that, the investment average ratio of legume, vegetables, cereals, and fruit trees were 75%, 65%, 60% and 40% consensually This research conclusion shows that, the optimal use of barley residue is a source of cheap protein units that are necessary for animals feeds; where the cost per unit of digested protein resulting from urea treated hays amounts to 0.5 S.Y.P. This amount represents one fifth of the cost of protein unit from barley. Also, the use of wheat straw in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms achieve significant economic results, the net profit resulting from the cultivation area of 10 m2 of oyster mushrooms using 30 kg of wheat straw was about 81000 S.P. In addition to that, the research results show the importance of agricultural waste in biogas production and the resulting compost, which in turn has achieved excellent results when fertilizing crops with it. The increase in the yield of maize, wheat, faba bean and vegetables were 35.7%, 12.5%. 6.6% and 14.1-20.6% consensually.
The subject of the spatial development in rural areas, one of the topics that is much talk, the province of Daraa and that statistics show the high levels of education, and thus the potential of scientific and competencies in various fields, as well as natural resources, and the Mediterranean climate, due reason developmental retardation to the social and economic reasons.
Given the growing interest and the race between countries to foreign direct investment, especially after the financial policies and recent developments and global economic crisis in the Arab region, and the crisis in the euro zone and the recession in the global investment market, with the moderns developments in foreign investment trends, all countries and especially developing countries seek to provide favorable conditions for attracting foreign direct investment, and Algeria, like other developing countries, are not immune to these changes, which calls for the adoption of policies and reforms that create the appropriate economic environment and adopt a policy of open door to foreign investment so that it matches these developments in order to benefit from its advantages and strengthen their competitiveness in an open world trade and foreign investment and at the end engage in the circle of economic growth and achieve sustainable development in general. This paper aims to find out the measures by which the Algeria seeks to enable foreign direct investment towards sustainability, as sustainable development is a prerequisite for the realization of justice and equity in the distribution of development gains and wealth between generations.
Being an integral urban, social, economical and cultural part of its development plans; states and its administrations competes in the design, planning and implementation of sustainable tourism development. Given the importance and the need to de velop a meaningful and targeted strategies toachieve sustainable development in the North region ; this research handled a collection of different tourism planning strategeis such as: site planning strategy, merging and integration strategy, tourism triangle strategy, Hyperlinks axes strategy and Imaginable planning strategy.

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