تتسابق الدول و اداراتها في رسم و تخطيط و تنفيذ التنمية السياحية المستدامة، لكونها
جزء لا يتجزأ من خططها التنموية الاجتماعية و العمرانية و الاقتصادية و الثقافية.
و انطلاقا من أهمية و ضرورة وضع استراتيجيات هادفة و موجهة لتحقيق تنمية
سياحية مستدامة في الإقليم الشمالي، عالج هذا البحث مجموعة من استراتيجيات
التخطيط السياحي المتنوعة مثل:
استرتيجية التخطيط الموقعي، و استراتيجية الاندماج و التكامل، و استراتيجية المثلث
السياحي، استراتيجية المحاور التشعبية، استراتيجية التخطيط التصوري.
Being an integral urban, social, economical and cultural part
of its development plans; states and its administrations
competes in the design, planning and implementation of
sustainable tourism development. Given the importance and
the need to develop a meaningful and targeted strategies
toachieve sustainable development in the North region ; this
research handled a collection of different tourism planning
strategeis such as: site planning strategy, merging and
integration strategy, tourism triangle strategy, Hyperlinks
axes strategy and Imaginable planning strategy.
References used
European Federation,European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas. Renewal and Retraining, International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany, April1st -4th2014
Spatial planning in Denmark , by the Ministry of the Environment, Denmark. Published 2007.www.blst.dk
The concept of sustainable development and its
indicators and dimensions, and focus on the reality in the
shadow of the Syrian crisis at the moment
Not natural reserves in both the goals and objectives; some of which is dedicated strict protection, especially those that have a scientific interest, some of which is dedicated to attracting visitors and tourist activities and the protection of the
Given the growing interest and the race between countries to foreign direct
investment, especially after the financial policies and recent developments and global
economic crisis in the Arab region, and the crisis in the euro zone and the recession
Accommodations are the backbone of the tourism considered where this quality of
service depends on the types and provide multiple levels to meet the wishes and needs of
different tourists.
Syrian tourism has seen a significant at the level of tour
This study aims to identify the reality of social responsibility in Syrian
business organizations rbrebmem the World Charter of Corporate
Social Responsibility, In addition to recognize the level that has been
reached in improvingthe corporate res