أجريت هذه الدراسة خلال الفترة من 10/9/2016 حتى9/9/2017 في منطقة بساتين دمسرخو (اللاذقية) الواقعة على الساحل الغربي للجمهورية العربية السورية, و هدفت إلى حصر أولي لأنواع ذباب السرفيد المتواجد في هذه المنطقة. جُمعت العينات بطريقة الأطباق الصفراء أسبوعياً. تم خلال هذه الدراسة جمع 341 عيّنة من بالغات ذباب السرفيد, عرِّف 15نوعاً تتبع لـِ 10 أجناس, و كان النوع scripta Sphaerophoria ذو الغزارة النسبية الأعلى (33.43%), تلاه النوع Episyrphus balteatus (20.53%), ثم النوعMelanostoma mellinum (14.66%).
This study was conducted during the period from 10/9/2016 to 9/9/2017 in Demsarkho
orchards area (Lattakia) on the west coast of Syrian Arab Republic. The study aimed to
identificate "Syrphidae" in this area. Samples were collected by yellow dishes in weekly
rate. A total of 341 Syrphid flies were collected and they belong to 15 species form 10
genera. The most abundant species was Sphaerophoria scripta (relative abundance
33.43%), followed by Episyrphus balteatus (20.53%), then Melanostoma mellinum
References used
ALMOHAMAD, R. Foraging and oviposition behavior in the predatory hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera:Syrphidae):a multitrophic approach (PhD thesis). University of Liege-Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech,2010,165P
BANKOWSKA, R. Fly communities of the family Syrphidae in natural anthropogenic habitats of Poland. 1980.Memorab. Zool. 33,S.3-93
BRANQUART,E.Life-history strategies of hoverflies with predacious larvae (Diptera:Syrphinae),Gemblouy-Belgium,1999,150P
Family Vespidae considered as Widespread globally and belong to the order
Hymenoptera called wasps, It contains about 5000 species belong to six subfamilies.
Members of this family differ in terms of style of living and life cycle and the type of
A field study has been carried out in order to know the important species
belonging to the family Syrphidae Diptera . in some field in Ezraa & jellien of
Daraa governorate during the period 1/3 /2003 till 30/8/2003 .
The governorate of Tartous, which lies on the east Mediterranean coast in
the west of Syria, is considered an important endemic area for human
cutaneous leishmaniasis (HCL). Between June and October 2004, 988 sand flies
were collected, from 13 vil
At this study, two species of genus Equisetum L. have been recorded, that they were: Equisetum telmateia L. and Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.
E. ramosissimum Desf. was recorded for the first time in Lattakia.
The morphological features were used to
At this study, two species of genus Equisetum L. have been recorded, that they were:
Equisetum telmateia L. and Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.
E. ramosissimum Desf. was recorded for the first time in Lattakia.
The morphological features were used to