تمّ جمع نوعين من جنس ذنب الخيل Equisetum L. في هذه الدّراسة و هما: ذنب الخيل المستنقعي E. telmateia Ehrh. و ذنب الخيل المتفرع E. ramosissimum Desf.
و تمَ تسجيل النوعE. ramosissimum Desf. لأول مرة في اللاذقية.
تمّت عملية تمييز النوعين المدروسين عن بعضهما بالاعتماد على الصفات المرفولوجية (عدد الأوراق الحرشفية في منطقة العقدة, شكل الغمد الورقي و عدد أسنانه, عدد الأثلام على السّاق, طول المخروط البوغي و لونه, عدد الفروع الجانبية).
أوضحت الدّراسة أنّ الأبواغ لها ثلاثة أغلفة يحيط الخارجي بالبوغة على شكل أشرطة ذات نهاية عريضة تسمى مبعثرات بوغية أو مقاود.
كما لوحظ أنّ هناك اختلافاً واضحاً في أبعاد المخاريط البوغية و أشكال السّاق الخصبة و العقيمة.
At this study, two species of genus Equisetum L. have been recorded, that they were:
Equisetum telmateia L. and Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.
E. ramosissimum Desf. was recorded for the first time in Lattakia.
The morphological features were used to separate two species: ( number of the scaly
leaves in the node area, shape of the sheath, and number of its teeth, number of the grooves
at the stem, length of the strobilus and its color, length of the lateral branches).
This study showed that: the spores had three coats, the exosporium rounded by the
spore like bars with a wide terminal that called: elaters.
Also showed obvious difference in measurements the strobilus and the shapes
of sterile and fertile stem.
References used
BOULOUS, L. Flora Of Egypt, Vol 1, Al Hadara Publishing Cairo, Egypt, 1999, 2-4
DE LANGHE, J. E; DEL VOSALLE, L; DUVIGNEAUD, J; LAMBINON, J; VANDEN BERGHEN,C. Nouvelle Flore De La Belgique, DU Grand– Duche De Luxembourg, Du Nord De La France Et Des Regions Voisines (Pteridophites- Et Spermatophytes ) , EDT 3, 1983, 7-10
DUKIC, D; BOZIN, B. Phenolic Compounds In Field Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense L) As Natural Anti Oxidants, University Of Novisad, Serbia, 2008
At this study, two species of genus Equisetum L. have been recorded, that they were: Equisetum telmateia L. and Equisetum ramosissimum Desf.
E. ramosissimum Desf. was recorded for the first time in Lattakia.
The morphological features were used to
أظهرت دراسة جنس المنتعش Amaranthus L. في بعض المواقع في اللاذقية وجود 5 أنواع وهي: Amaranthus viridis L. , Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Amaranthus palmeri S.Wats, Amaranthus sp. .
This study was performed on three types of the genus Fumaria. The
measurements were taken from the various parts of the flower
petals, Sepals , the stamina and fruits. Also, an anatomical study
was conducted of the root and stem. The shape and dia
The results of studying the morphological characteristics of the flower, fruit,
pollen grains, and seeds between some of Hypericum genus species, show that
there are relevant morphological differences among the studied species, which
can be considered as taxonomical criteria for distinguishing the studied species
of Hypericum genus from each other.
Taxonomic study confirmed of genus Ornithogalum L. (Star of Bethlehem)
recording 4 spices belonging to him are: O.narbonense L., O.montanum Cyr.,
O.umbellatum L., O.ulophyllum Hand.. for the first time in the Jableh region, The
morphology of the d