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Econometrics Analysis of the Costs Functions of Rain Fed Barley in the First, Second and Third Stability Zones (AL-Hasakah Governorate)

التّحليل الاقتصاديّ القياسي لدوال تكاليف إنتاج محصول الشّعير البعل في مناطق الاستقرار الأولى و الثّانية و الثّالثة (محافظة الحسكة)

1316   1   9   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims to conduct a descriptive and econometric analysis of the costs functions of rain fed barley in the first, second and third stabilization zones in Al - Hasakah governorate, and to determine the optimum sizes for production and the profit-maximizing size. Data were collected through a questionnaire for rain fed barley farmers in the study area for the average season (2015 / 2016-2016 / 2017).

References used
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Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إجراء تحليل اقتصادي وصفي وقياسي لدوال تكاليف إنتاج محصول الشعير البعل في مناطق الاستقرار الأولى والثانية والثالثة في محافظة الحسكة، وتحديد الحجوم المثلى للإنتاج والمُعظِّمة للربح. تم جمع البيانات من خلال استبيان موجه لمزارعي الشعير البعل في منطقة الدراسة لمتوسط الموسمين (2015/2016-2016/2017). أظهرت نتائج التحليل الكمي أن أعلى متوسط تكلفة إنتاج للهكتار الواحد بلغ نحو 89925.66 ل.س في منطقة الاستقرار الأولى، تلاها منطقتا الاستقرار الثانية والثالثة بمتوسط تكلفة إنتاج بلغت 77705.24 و69159.1 ل.س/هكتار على الترتيب. وأشارت نتائج تحليل التكاليف والعائدات إلى أن أعلى صافي عائد للهكتار بلغ نحو 73342.07 ل.س في منطقة الاستقرار الزراعي الأولى، تلاها منطقتا الاستقرار الثانية والثالثة بصافي ربح بلغ 49742.59 و26265.19 ل.س/هكتار على الترتيب. وباستخدام النماذج القياسية الاقتصادية لدالة التكاليف، تم تحديد الحجم الأمثل المحقق للكفاءة الاقتصادية وحجم الإنتاج المعظم للربح لكل منطقة، حيث تبين ابتعادها عن حجم الإنتاج الفعلي لمزارعي المناطق الثلاث والبالغ نحو 2.46، 2.47، 1.84 طن/هكتار. ودلت النتائج على أن المساحة المحققة للكفاءة الاقتصادية بلغت نحو 1.28، 1.57، 0.9 هكتار لمنطقة الاستقرار الأولى والثانية والثالثة على الترتيب، حيث تبين ابتعادها أيضاً عن متوسط المساحة المزروعة في كل منطقة. توصي الدراسة بتخفيض المساحات المزروعة بهذا المحصول على مستوى مناطق الاستقرار الثلاث في ظل الظروف الراهنة، واتباع سياسات زراعية تهدف إلى خفض تكاليف الإنتاج وخاصة تكاليف البذار والأسمدة، واستخدام التقانات الزراعية الحديثة التي تؤدي إلى تخفيض التكاليف وزيادة الإنتاج.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة في مجال التحليل الاقتصادي لدوال تكاليف إنتاج الشعير البعل، حيث تقدم بيانات وتحليلات قيمة تساعد في فهم التكاليف والعائدات المرتبطة بهذا المحصول. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال توسيع نطاق العينة لتشمل مناطق أخرى من سوريا، مما يمكن أن يوفر صورة أكثر شمولية ودقة. كما يمكن تعزيز الدراسة بإضافة تحليل للآثار البيئية والاجتماعية لزراعة الشعير البعل، مما يعزز من فهم الأبعاد المختلفة لهذا المحصول. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تكون التوصيات أكثر تفصيلاً ومرونة لتتناسب مع التغيرات المحتملة في الظروف الاقتصادية والسياسية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي أعلى تكلفة إنتاج للهكتار الواحد في مناطق الاستقرار الثلاث؟

    أعلى تكلفة إنتاج للهكتار الواحد بلغت نحو 89925.66 ل.س في منطقة الاستقرار الأولى.

  2. ما هو أعلى صافي عائد للهكتار في مناطق الاستقرار الثلاث؟

    أعلى صافي عائد للهكتار بلغ نحو 73342.07 ل.س في منطقة الاستقرار الأولى.

  3. ما هي المساحة المحققة للكفاءة الاقتصادية في منطقة الاستقرار الأولى؟

    المساحة المحققة للكفاءة الاقتصادية في منطقة الاستقرار الأولى بلغت نحو 1.28 هكتار.

  4. ما هي التوصيات الرئيسية التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    توصي الدراسة بتخفيض المساحات المزروعة بهذا المحصول، واتباع سياسات زراعية تهدف إلى خفض تكاليف الإنتاج، واستخدام التقانات الزراعية الحديثة.

rate research

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The main objective of this study was to describe economic and econometric analysis of cost functions of rain-feed barley production in the northern region from Syria and determine the economically efficient size and the profitmaximizing size, Prim ary data collected in (2010) through research interviews with farmers were used. Farms in the rainfed areas in. the northern region were divided according to stabilization zones (1, 2, 3 and 4), Through the descriptive economic analysis of costs of production of Farms in the rainfed areas in the northern region were divided according to stabilization zones (1, 2, 3 and 4), Through the descriptive economic analysis of costs of production of Barley, it was shown that the highest average cost of production of one dunum in the northern region was 1859.3 sp. in zone (1) and the lowest average cost of production of one dunum was 1694.5 sp. in zone (4), From the analysis of costs and returns, the results indicated that the highest net return (profit) in the northern region was 650.43 sp./dunum in zone (1), and the lowest net return (profit) was 395.2 sp./dunum. in zone (3) Also, the results of the descriptive economic analysis indicated that the lowest average cost of production of 1 kg of barley was 8.3 sp. in zone (1 and 2), and the highest average cost of production of 1 kg of oil was 9.3 sp. in zone (4), Using the econometric models of cost functions, the economically efficient size and the profit-maximizing size were computed and determined for each zone, indicating that farmers' practices were too far from these sizes based on the econometric analysis; namely the economically efficient size and the profit-maximizing size. Also the results indicated that the economically efficient acreage size was 35.8 dunum in zone (4), which was less than the actual area of this region.
The research aimed to estimate the total cost, medium and marginal cost, volumes and economic optimization production of rain feed lentil in the first zone of Aleppo governorate using econometric models. Linear regression analysis of a single equa tion was applied to explain the relationship between amount of production as an independent variable and the value of production costs as the dependent variable.
The research aims to estimate the marketing efficiency of rain-fed cumin crop in Malikya area (Al-Hassaka governorate),this in order to reach the estimation of the total costs of marketing functions, medium and marginal costs, and estimate the econ omic volumes of marketed quantities of cumin. This study main problem lies in the search for high marketing costs of latency. Find carried out based on cross-sectional data, that were collected from a random sample of some cumin farmers and traders in Malikya area (88 farmers from 24 villages, and 12 trader cumin), And adopted in the implementation of research analysis method rebound with a single equation, to explain the relationship between marketed quantities of cumin as an independent variable, and the value of its marketing costs as the dependent variable. Results of the analysis showed that the value of the coefficient of determination (R Square) amounted to 0.841, and this means that the quantity of marketed cumin explain 84.1% of the changes in the marketing costs of cumin, The results of econometric analysis also showed the presence of deviations between marketed quantities of cumin, and the size of optimal marketed quantities due to higher overall marketing costs, medium costs, and marginal costs for the quantities marketed, means increased current cost of marketing for one kilogram of cumin, from those achieved for marketing efficient g by (2.1) SP / kg, furthermore, the application results of equations, measuring marketing efficiency (which relied on total production costs, the current cost of marketing the crop cumin, and the selling price per kilogram of it) showed that, the value of marketing efficiency amounted to about 88.29% and 50.53% depending on the indices marketing efficiency (equations 1 and 2 ) respectively , While the value of marketing efficiency (which relied on total production costs, and the optimum marking cost of the cumin, and the selling price per kilogram of it), about 90.54% and 52.73% depending on the indices marketing efficiency (equations 1 and 2), respectively, The research found a set of recommendations, such as establishing a marketing institution that oversees the operations of sale and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants Group, and market surveillance in order to prevent monopoly, and improve the performance of marketing functions that traders provide when marketing of medicinal and aromatic products that, in order to reduce the costs of marketing, and delivery to consumers at the best prices.
The research aims to study the effects of the climatic elements, rain, dry heat and drought on wheat and barley production (irrigated and rain-fed) in al-Hasakah station in the Eastern Province, In order to achieve the objectives of the research a series of pen'ds of time extending from 2001 to 2010, was adopted Based on the indexes, rates growth and multiple regression the most important results were as the Following, relation: 1- There is a very strong and statistically significant between the irrigated wheat production and rainfall, dry heat and drought index, wch was the most influential, effed followed by precipitation drought index, and by dry heat. 2- There is no statistically significant relationship between rain-Fed wheat production and rainfall dry heat or drought index. 3- There is a strong and statistically significant relationship between the production of irrigated barley and rainfall, dry heat and drought index, The most influential effed was drought index, followed by dry heat, and precipitation. 4- There is no statistically significant relationship between the production of rain-Fed barley and rainfall and dry heat or drought index.
This research aimed to determine the economic scales of production and different product values, and the difference between the true sizes and its parallel economic areas in the midregion of Jordan. The econometrics analysis was used for the cost functions of sheep, goats, and cows production in midregion of Jordan. The data were analyzed by linear regression using suitable economic models. Total production functions of sheep were determined, and the average productivity was derived to determine the economic scales in order to minimize the average productivity cost of sheep, goats and cows. For the sheep, the product value was about JD 16649.59 for 419 sheep, with average cost of one JD is 0.522 JD. Marginal cost function was derived from the total production cost function, with the equality marginal cost function to parallel price in order to reach the scale of maximize profit. The production value was 18251.49 JD for 460 sheep and average JD cost of 0.56. The present productivity scale was 157sheep which was 262 sheep lower than the productivity scales for economic efficiency and 303 sheep lower than that for maximize profit.
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