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من نموذج إجرائية العمل إلى خدمات الويب

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In our thesis, we present many previous approaches for mapping BPMN to BPEL. Moreover, we compare between their own strengths and weaknesses. Then we offer our new approach based on ESHUIS-GREFEN2 algorithm. We develop this algorithm to accept BPMN as input and BPEL as output. In addition, we solve the synchronization problem in ESHUIS algorithm by adding algorithm to find and process cross-synchronization links between parallel branches. We evaluated our approach by doing two case studies and comparing the results with other approaches and implementations.

References used
R. Khalaf, N. Mukhi, S. Weerawarana Service–Oriented Composition in BPEL4WS, 2003
J. Recker and J. Mendling. On the translation between BPMN and BPEL: Conceptual mismatch between process modeling languages. Proceedings 18th International Conference on AdvancedInformation Systems Engineering, pages 521–532, 2006
J. Mendling, K.B. Lassen, and U. Zdun. On the transformation of control flow between block-oriented and graph-oriented process modeling languages. Int. J. Business Process Integration and Management, 2006
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The company structure is a method based on the modeling for analysis; planning, design, and management the information technique to promote process in order to take the right decision. Thus, the structure of the company's models must include info rmation for each company in order to achieve cooperation between them and the exchange of information among its services, so the company structure need the support from several models, but the establishment of such models is expensive and without a fixed value. It is advisable to find models that support actually what to achieve, especially with the development of modern technology that pay the companies increasingly towards Web services exchange. To overcome these problems, we present a model based on serviceoriented, which allows the exchange of information and assembly services provided by different companies in a dynamic way taking into account the context of cooperation, and organize a coordinated and coherent services chain, thus provides a way to exchange information and interaction of commercial services between companies.
Web search is an essential way for humans to obtain information, but it's still a great challenge for machines to understand the contents of web pages. In this paper, we introduce the task of web-based structural reading comprehension. Given a web pa ge and a question about it, the task is to find an answer from the web page. This task requires a system not only to understand the semantics of texts but also the structure of the web page. Moreover, we proposed WebSRC, a novel Web-based Structural Reading Comprehension dataset. WebSRC consists of 400K question-answer pairs, which are collected from 6.4K web pages with corresponding HTML source code, screenshots, and metadata. Each question in WebSRC requires a certain structural understanding of a web page to answer, and the answer is either a text span on the web page or yes/no. We evaluate various strong baselines on our dataset to show the difficulty of our task. We also investigate the usefulness of structural information and visual features. Our dataset and baselines have been publicly available.
انطلاقاً من هدف البحث، وضعت استبانة سهلة الاستخدام بهدف كشف جودة الرعاية الصحية المقدمة في المستشفيات التعليمية السورية للمرضى و من وجهة نظرهم. فضلاً عن أن هذه الأداة كانت موضع اختبار لبيان مدى صلاحيتها و الوثوقية بها و قدرتها على التمييز بين مستويات و مكونات عدة للرضا.
The study is researching the fault tolerance in the large distributed environments such as grid computing and clusters of computers in order to find the most effective ways to deal with the errors associated with the crash one of the devices in th e environment or network disconnection to ensure the continuity of the application in the presence of the faults.In this paper we study a model of the distributed environment and the parallel applications within it. Then we provide a checkpoint mechanism that will enable us to ensure continuity of the work used by a virtual representation of the application (macro dataflow) and suitable for the applications which uses work stealing algorithm to distribute the tasks which are implemented in heterogeneous and dynamic environment. This mechanism will add a simple cost to the cost of parallel execution as a result of keeping part of the work during fault-free execution. The study also provides a mathematical model to calculate the time complexity i.e. the cost of this proposed mechanism.
عرض البحث مشكلة نقل مليوني حاج راشد من مكان مقدس يدعى عرفات بالقرب من مكة المكرمة إلى مزدلفة بهدف إيجاد الحلول المثلى لمسألة نقل الحجاج بين هذين الموقعين المقدسين للحصول على تدفق أعظمي للحجاج و مرور مثالي لهم، و ذلك من خلال اعتماد نموذج للبرمجة ال خطية في إيجاد حل مثالي لمسألة نقل الحجاج من عرفات إلى مزدلفة . و قد عرض البحث بعض الدراسات السابقة في هذا المجال، و من ثم تناول عملية التدفق الأعظمي للحجاج و تقليص تكلفة النقل من خلال تقديم تابع هدف لتقليل التكلفة الإجمالية للنقل و إضافة وسيلة نقل جديدة تضاف إلى الوسائل الأخرى و تبيان خدمة الذهاب و الإياب على أن يخصص نموذج خاص من وسائل النقل . و قد طرح البحث نموذجًا مقترحًا للبرمجة الخطية تضمن توابع هدف متعددة، إذ تم استخدام طريقة القيد لمعالجة مثل هذه الأغراض المتعددة في ظل توافر الشروط الأساسية الآتية: مرور مثالي، و شروط طقس مثالي ، و تدفق مستمر و منتظم ، و طلب كافٍ بالاتجاه المعاكس، و قدرة كافية على السعة بالاتجاه الأساسي، و هندسة طرق مثالية ، و تحكم بالتدفق وفقًا لمستوى الخدمة المطلوبة.

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