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The evaluation of some disinfection ´s solution efficiency on candida albican´s colonozated the removable denture´s metal alloy

تقييم فعالية بعض المطهرات على فطور المبيضات البيض المستعمرة للخليطة المعدنية المصنوع منها الجهاز المتحرك

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Cleaning denture have the most important point to dentist because it has the most effect in the live of the removable denture and in the health of the mouth tissue , so we must to share between mechanical cleaning with tooth brush and with chemical cleaning to kill the bacteria and candida albican and to remove food depris from the denture surface . there are many disinfection solutions for removable denture so we have to do a research for effect of these solutions on the removable denture which made from Crom Cobalt alloy, and on the candida albican colonization on the denture surface .

References used
Berger JC, Driscoll CF, Romberg E, Luo Q, Thompson G. 2006- Surface roughness of denture base acrylic resins after processing and after polishing. J Prosthodont.;15:180-6
Glass RT Bullard JW, Conrad RS , Blewett EL. 2004- Evaluation of the sanitization effectiveness of a denture – cleaning product on dentures contaminated with known microbial flora . An in vitro study Quintessence Int.: 35:194-9
Kuhar M, Funduk N. 2001- Effects of polishing techniques on the surface roughness of acrylic denture base resins , J Prosthet Dent .:56.132-39
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Violence is clear in the story works of Zakarayya Tamer. It signifies most of his works forming a chracteristict that distinguishes his own works from other written works in this age and he proved himself a popular different writer who has his way stating with cursing and ending in crime regadless to his issues concerning (family, street,power) even if they are different if we think of circumastances which lead to this colour of writing. In this world the scenes of troublesome, fighting, raping and killing. Thus violence signifies this world in which it is difficult to live out of desire to blood by killing in the most terrified way seprating heads. This describes his way of revealing the disasterous sort of writing away from the causes of these problematic affairs which go deeper than what we are expecting. This is what the search is trying to deal with and focus.
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This study aims at comparing and a contrasting the two different ways employed by the two authors in the studied works as new types of epics and to show their difference from the traditional epic.

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