اقترحت طريقة تحليلية جديدة لتحديد خمس ملوّنات صناعية مستخدمة في صناعة
النبيذ: (تارترازين، الأسود اللماع، أصفر غروب الشمس، الأزرق اللماع و الإريثروزين)،
و ذلك باستخدام تقانة الكروماتوغرافيا السائلة عالية الأداء ذات الطور العكوس
المجهزة بكاشف المصفوفة الضوئية. دُرست الشروط التجريبية بما فيها
الخواص الطيفية، و حدود الكشف، و الاسترجاعيات لهذه الملوّنات الصناعيّة بشكل
مفصل، و تم تعيينها وفق الطرائق الاحصائية المعتمدة.
A new analytical method has proposed for determination of
five synthetic colorants used in the wine industry (i.e., Tartrazine,
Brilliant Black, Sunset yellow, Brilliant Blue and Erythrosine) by
reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography equipped
with Diode Array detector.
Experimental conditions, including spectral properties, limits
of detection and recoveries for these synthetic colorants in detail
were studied and assigned according to the statistical methods
References used
Marmion, D.M., 1983, Hand book of U. S. colorants for food, drug and cosmetic, New York
Zoua, T., Hea, P., Yasena, A., Lib, Z., 2013, Determination of seven synthetic dyes in animal feeds and meat by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array and tandem mass detectors, Food Chemistry, Vol.138, 2–3, 1742– 1748
Garcıa-Falcon, M.S., Simal-Gandara, J., 2005, Determination of food dyes in soft drinks containing natural pigments by liquid chromatography with minimal clean-up, Food Control, Vol. 16, 3, 293–297
This research investigates the ability of using cheese whey in producing soft drinks supported with natural juices (peach, orange, apple, and pomegranate). Two kinds of whey (sweet and sour) were prepared in the laboratory, and their most important o
This research aims to identify the reality of food security in Syria between the years 2006- 2010. The most important crops in Syria are grain crops, occupying 64.18% of the area of cultivated land. Wheat is the most important grain; it had product
This research aims to identify the extent and the way of managers’ response to
organizational changes in the “General Organization for Food Industries” and its
companies, and to identify the nature of factors that led to the changes.
The article a
The purpose of this article is to examine the possibility of immediate against mediated or theoretical knowledge. However, in both types of knowledge, there is a face to face confrontation. I encounter something which I wish to apprehend. Therefore,
The research aims to identify the reality of food in Syria during the 2011-2012 period
and compared to the situation before the crisis (2008-2010). The study showed that the
total cultivated area in Syria during the crisis amounted to about 4479 th