تم في هذا البحث تحديد مفهوم البروز البصري من الناحية البيولوجية و آلية توصيفه
في مجال علوم الحاسب باستخدام مفهوم خرائط البروز و طريقة استثمار هذه
الخرائط لاكتشاف الأغراض البارزة ضمن الصور الرقمية، كما تم إجراء مجموعة
من التجارب باستخدام بعض من خوارزميات توليد الخرائط و تحديد جودتها و دقتها
باستخدام معايير محددة و واضحة.
In this research, we define the concept of visual saliency in biology
and how it is described in computer science using the concept of
saliency maps, and how to use these maps to detect salient
objects in digital images. We also conduct experiments using
several algorithms to detect salient objects, and describe how to
quantify the quality of the results using clear and well-defined
References used
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Empathy is a complex multidimensional concept, which has an emotive, moral,
cognitive and behavioural component. clinical empathy involves an ability to: (A)
understand the patient’s situation, feelings, and Perspective; (B) communicate that
understanding to patient accurately; (C) act on that understanding with the patient
effectively way.
Reconstruction of mandibular defects after trauma or tumor resection is one of
the most challenging problems facing by maxillofacial surgeons. Few mandibular defects require not just
a fixation of an implant, but the reconstruction of the entire ma
Background& Objective: The reduction of alveolar crestal bone density is one of the earlier signs of periimplant
disease and precedes the loss of height of the alveolar crest, because of that early detection of the
small changes in density is impor
Cervix cancer is one of the most important gynecological
cancers ,which is possible to be reduced by using early precancerous
detecting technics .
Objective : The aim of the study is to highlighten the colposcopy as a device
for early detection o
Multimodal named entity recognition (MNER) requires to bridge the gap between language understanding and visual context. While many multimodal neural techniques have been proposed to incorporate images into the MNER task, the model's ability to lever