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التّناصُّ الأسطوريُّ في شعرِ الجواهريّ

1859   1   79   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this research study Intertextuality legendary hairy Mohamed Mahdi Al-jawahiri, mythological texts varied in jeweler's hair, by reading his legendary Intertextuality popped back her references to legends of East Kivu (old,).

References used
الأسطورة في شعر السياب, عبد الرضا علي, دار الرائد العربيٌ , بيروت, ط 2, 1984
التناص في شعر سليمان العيسى, الدكتور نزار عبشي, جامعة البعث, 2004 - 2005م.
علم النص, جوليا كريستيفا, تر: فريد زاهي, دار تويقال, الدار البيضاء, ط1, 1991م.
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يتناول هذا البحث جانبًا مهمًا في شعر أبي القاسم الشابي أحدِ أهم شعراء تونس في القرن العشرين، و هذا الجانب هو (صورة الطبيعة)؛ ذلك أن الشابي شاعر رومانتي، و هو مذهب شعري يهيم أصحابه بالطبيعة، و يّتخذون منها مدخلا للتغّني بالآلام و العواطف الإنسانية، فتبرز صورتها ناصعة في أشعارهم .
This study is an attempt to highlight the impact that pumping vocabulary in the composition of poetry, and is no doubt that the semiotic this vocabulary effectively contribute in giving a recipe poetic text, because they represent the signs of sema ntics as diverse contexts in which they are contained, and the dynamism achieved from a damaged vocabulary within the same topic opens up new horizons, and pave the way for a variety of readings, according to the ability of the recipient language, cognitive and proceeds, hence the emphasis on the singular in construction as a key text for reproduction again.
To fully model human-like ability to ask questions, automatic question generation (QG) models must be able to produce multiple expressions of the same question with different levels of detail. Unfortunately, existing datasets available for learning Q G do not include paraphrases or question variations affecting a model's ability to learn this capability. We present FIRS, a dataset containing human-generated fact-infused rewrites of questions from the widely-used SQuAD dataset to address this limitation. Questions in FIRS were obtained by combining a given question with facts of entities referenced in the question. We study a double encoder-decoder model, Fact-Infused Question Generator (FIQG), for learning to generate fact-infused questions from a given question. Experimental results show that FIQG effectively incorporates information from facts to add more detail to a given question. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first study to present fact-infusion as a novel form of question paraphrasing.
Poor design is a major factor in reducing the overall performance of construction projects as well as being directly responsible for many projects cost overrun, delay and being plagued with rework, variations and disputation. This research discusse s the main factors affecting Design Quality in the Construction Industry in Syria. The result is based on a number of interviews and questionnaire surveys involving 54 designers, contractors and construction professionals. The survey identified 45 different factors classified in categories related to designer, management of the design process, owner and design documents. The severity of those factors was measured by the level of importance and was ranked according to the importance index. It was concluded that, insufficient overall design time, method of selecting the designer based on the lowest price offer, lack of documentation and changes client’s requirements were the most important factors. The results show that designers and contractors have different perceptions of the quality of design factors. The aim of this study is to assist all construction parties to plan effectively before starting a project during the design phase in order to minimize problems and eliminate extra costs needed to complete the defective design. Finally, some recommendations were made in order to improve the design quality in the construction industry.
This research talks about the value of sublime being one of the aesthetic values which underlie aesthetics. Sublime indicates from one hand adding respect and veneration to what the sublime person does including noble actions, through which he gets higher than others. And this what generosity can do being a way to reach the sublime, thus we privileged generosity and showing its relation tosublime asan aesthetic value. Therefore, generosity is an individual and social trait which is achieved through giving money or doing a Nobile action, which makes the person who does it deserve respect and reverence. Hence, the value off sublime is to reveal the generosity aspect when it is formed in oneself, and this is as the sublime value is reflected in others, who benefited from it, watched it or heard about it.
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