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Natural ventilation techniques of interior spaces in Contemporary Architecture

تقنيات التهوية الطبيعية للفراغات الداخلية في العمارة المعاصرة

3514   7   286   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims to study that applications, and know their new developed techniques and the aim of their application in several climatic areas. All that for getting the advantage of their applications to achieve healthy and natural ventilation inside the contemporary building spaces, by accommodation the Thermal Comfort standard and the climatic data specialized every area, and corresponding the principles of green and sustainable architecture.

References used
Al-Jawadi, M. October, 2010 "Model of House Design responsive to Hot-Dry Climate". World Congress on Housing, Santander, Spain
Marten Evans, , 1978 "Housing climate and comfort" London
Thomas, H. "Solar Energy in architecture and urban planning". Environmental design

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الورقة البحثية تقنيات التهوية الطبيعية في العمارة المعاصرة، وتستعرض كيفية تطورها واستخدامها في تحسين الراحة الحرارية داخل المباني. تركز الدراسة على أهمية التهوية الطبيعية كوسيلة لتكييف الهواء بطرق تتلاءم مع الظروف البيئية والمناخية المختلفة، وتستعرض تطبيقات هذه التقنيات في مناطق مناخية متعددة حول العالم. تهدف الورقة إلى تقديم فهم شامل للتقنيات الحديثة المستخدمة في التهوية الطبيعية، وكيفية تطبيقها لتحقيق بيئة داخلية صحية ومريحة تتماشى مع مبادئ العمارة الخضراء والمستدامة. تتضمن منهجية البحث شقين: الأول نظري يجمع المعلومات المتعلقة بتطبيقات التهوية الطبيعية، والثاني تحليلي يدرس نماذج من المباني السكنية المعاصرة التي تعتمد على هذه التقنيات. تستعرض الورقة أيضاً أمثلة تطبيقية مثل الأفنية الضيقة، المدخنة الشمسية، ووحدات التهوية الطبيعية، وتناقش كيفية تحسين أداء هذه الأنظمة لتحقيق تهوية فعالة وصحية.
Critical review
تعد هذه الورقة البحثية مرجعاً مهماً في مجال التهوية الطبيعية في العمارة المعاصرة، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، يمكن تعزيز البحث بمزيد من الدراسات الميدانية والتجارب العملية لتقديم بيانات أكثر دقة حول فعالية التقنيات المختلفة في ظروف مناخية متنوعة. ثانياً، قد يكون من المفيد تضمين تحليل اقتصادي أكثر تفصيلاً لتكاليف تنفيذ وصيانة هذه التقنيات مقارنةً بأنظمة التكييف التقليدية. ثالثاً، يمكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة ليشمل أنواعاً أخرى من المباني مثل المباني التجارية والصناعية، وليس فقط المباني السكنية. وأخيراً، يمكن تعزيز الورقة بمزيد من الرسوم البيانية والصور التوضيحية لتسهيل فهم القراء للتقنيات المعروضة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي أهمية التهوية الطبيعية في العمارة المعاصرة؟

    تعتبر التهوية الطبيعية مهمة لأنها تساهم في تحسين الراحة الحرارية لشاغلي المبنى وتقلل من الاعتماد على أنظمة التكييف الميكانيكية التي تستهلك الكثير من الطاقة وتسبب تلوثاً بيئياً وبصرياً.

  2. ما هي منهجية البحث المستخدمة في هذه الورقة؟

    تعتمد منهجية البحث على شقين: الأول نظري يجمع المعلومات المتعلقة بتطبيقات التهوية الطبيعية، والثاني تحليلي يدرس نماذج من المباني السكنية المعاصرة التي تعتمد على هذه التقنيات.

  3. ما هي بعض التقنيات الحديثة المستخدمة في التهوية الطبيعية؟

    بعض التقنيات الحديثة تشمل المدخنة الشمسية، وحدات التهوية الطبيعية، والأفنية الضيقة وفراغات الأدراج التي تعمل كخزانات للهواء البارد.

  4. كيف يمكن تحسين أداء أنظمة التهوية الطبيعية في المباني؟

    يمكن تحسين أداء أنظمة التهوية الطبيعية من خلال استخدام مواد عازلة جيدة، تصميم فتحات تهوية مناسبة، وتطبيق تقنيات مثل المدخنة الشمسية ووحدات التهوية التي تعتمد على مبدأ قوة الدفع الحراري.

rate research

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During the past few decades , the urban boundaries of many Arab cities expanded, and their residential areas expanded due to increasing in the population density and the expansion of economic activity, in addition to prevailing building system, and d ecreasing in the supply of the suitable lands for constructions and its high price, all this led to the spread of multy-storey residential buildings in attached and closely patterns, even it becomes the prevailing and approved system of construction system, without regarding the requirements of social human needs, in the design of external spaces, which in turn results in loosing the social relations among the inhabitants. Paper’s hypothesis: The pattern and style of surrounding spaces design in residential buildings of contemporary architecture without taking into account of the social factor, is one of the most important reasons for the shortcomings of the social vitality of these areas. This paper is based on studying these spaces in social function by extrapolating the performance of few models and analyzing them in order to reach an interactive and dynamic relationship between a human and his residential environment ,and community, within the borders of an apartment building and surrounding external spaces. During the past few decades , the urban boundaries of many Arab cities expanded, and their residential areas expanded due to increasing in the population density and the expansion of economic activity, in addition to prevailing building system, and decreasing in the supply of the suitable lands for constructions and its high price, all this led to the spread of multy-storey residential buildings in attached and closely patterns, even it becomes the prevailing and approved system of construction system, without regarding the requirements of social human needs, in the design of external spaces, which in turn results in loosing the social relations among the inhabitants. Paper’s hypothesis: The pattern and style of surrounding spaces design in residential buildings of contemporary architecture without taking into account of the social factor, is one of the most important reasons for the shortcomings of the social vitality of these areas. This paper is based on studying these spaces in social function by extrapolating the performance of few models and analyzing them in order to reach an interactive and dynamic relationship between a human and his residential environment ,and community, within the borders of an apartment building and surrounding external spaces.
plants plays an important function in alive environment and generally in architecture, and it has an important function in the formation of constructional spaces that the constructional masses appears in their real scales and it is interrelated wi th natural elements that addresses the sharp architectural lines and the harsh texture. Plants and trees have important functions in all social economic environmental aspects, in addition to their great function in controlling sunshine and changing many hard climatic conditions, and they have a great function in dilution the global warming which has become a global phenomenon that the whole world is seeking to solve.
Modern Arabic architecture has been facing important challenges imposed in many fields by changes occurring internationally and in the West, especially in terms of architecture. The effect of these changes on the visual appearance of the city has bee n clearly evident, with everything this entails in terms of formation and architectural samples. This was due to a group of internal and external effects which contributed to accelerating the spread of intellectual theoretical movements and new architectural philosophies which differed in how they responded to local data. This really problematic trend in modern Arabic architecture became apparent and manifested itself by achieving balance and integration between originality and tradition on the one hand, and modernism and contemporariness on the other. The number of frames available to the Arabic architect became more numerous, to include rejection, advocacy and reformation, and this was reflected in the architectural formations which became multiple and were characterized by pluralism. This led to the loss of their local identity and to a contradiction between their visual and formative modes. A number of Arab architects became aware of this problem at the end of the 20th century, so they analyzed its causes and its transformative mechanism. Attempts were started to find logical and rational solutions to guarantee harmony between technical and scientific development on the one hand, and a sense of belonging to the place on the other.
The research deals with the concept of social interaction and its importance and how the design of the spaces affect on the interaction by choosing the appropriate type of space to achieve interaction as open space, and design of spaces that have special characteristics such as concentration and attraction and ensure the comfort and safety and the ability of individuals to meet and interact naturally comfortably.
This research is an analytic study about the aestheticism and impact of Arab calligraphy on architecture and enriching the interior space through intellectual and religious factors and principles. It also deals with the relationship between the Arab calligraphy and plastic elements, such as decorative, geometric and floral elements and stalactites as well, which have had a clear role in interior and exterior architecture. The Functionalities and cotemporary aesthetic of such elements have been studied, as they are basic and alphabetical elements of plastic arts with a very important organic function as to keep the local identity. This study also sheds light on modern architectural experiences and various collection of the use of handwriting in new ways, while maintaining a special sense that keeps link with the ancient creative heritage.
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