تعد أنظمة التعرف السمعية البصرية التي تعتمد على صوت و حركة شفاه المتكلم من أهم
أنظمة التعرف على الكلام. و قد تم تطوير العديد من التقنيات المختلفة من حيث الطرائق
المستخدمة في استخراج السمات و طرائق التصنيف.
يقترح البحث إنشاء نظام للتعرف على الكلمات المعزولة بالاعتماد السمات السمعية
المستخرجة من فيديوهات منطوقة لكلمات باللغة العربية في بيئة خالية من الضجيج، و من ثم
إضافة مكون الطاقة و المشتقات التفاضلية في مرحلة استخراج السمات لخوارزمية معاملات تردد الميل.
The audio-visual speech recognition systems that rely on speech and
movement of the lips of the speaker of the most important speech
recognition systems. Many different techniques have developed in
terms of the methods used in the feature extraction and classification
Research proposes the establishment of a system to identify isolated
words based audio features extracted from videos pronunciations of
words in Arabic in an environment free of noise, and then add the
energy and Temporal derivative components in extracting features of
the method Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) stage.
References used
Marius Zbancioc, Mihaela Costin :using neural networks and LPCC to improve speech recognition, International IEEE SCS Conference, Proceedings, Vol. 1, 2003 EX 720, pp. 445 – 448
Levy, C., Linares, G., Nocera, P., Bonastre, J.-F. : Reducing computational and memory cost for cellular phone embedded speech recognition system, Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2004. Proceedings. (ICASSP '04). IEEE International Conference on (Volume:5 ) , pages( 309-12) vol.5 , Print ISBN:9-8484-7803-0
Dimitriadis, Maragos, P. Potamianos: Robust AM-FM Features for Speech Recognition, IEEE signal processing letters, VOL. 12, NO. 9, 2005
This study aims to score psychological, academic and economic
problems faced by students with special needs in the Faculty of Arts at
the University of Damascus and to identify the differences in these
problems between the research samples. The sa
we'll show in this research months fingerprints developed
in the criminal investigation, a visual and sound footprint, and
made it clear that these fingerprints applications of interest to
specialists in the science crime and criminal evidence, it
Story visualization is an underexplored task that falls at the intersection of many important research directions in both computer vision and natural language processing. In this task, given a series of natural language captions which compose a story
In recent years, the emergence of streaming platforms such as Netflix, HBO or Amazon Prime Video has reshaped the field of entertainment, which increasingly relies on subtitling, dubbing or voice-over modes. However, little is known about audiovisual
أُحدثت في العالم الإسلامي كليات للتربية و معاهد للتعليم؛ تبنت قيم الآخرين و تجاربهم، متجاهلة تراث الأمة التربوي. و التاريخ أصدق شاهد، و الواقع خير برهان، ففي حين عادى الغرب العلم، و أقصى العلماء، أرسى الإسلام قواعد منهج تربوي ثبتت نجاعته، و وضع أسساً