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The Differences in Biographies of Al-Imad Al-Asbahani,s Praiseds

الاختلافاتُ في تراجم مَمْدُوحِي العِمادِ الأصبهانِيّ

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Research reveals differences historicity ,and literary in books ,and manuscripts achieved ,and recent studies available ,and special flags from Al-Imad Al- Asbahani's Praiseds, it shows the reason for the disparity between the biographies in documenting the extra titles, and similar, and diverse, and their names, and their genealogy, and their places of origin, and their attributes, and their curricula, and corrects lapses inattention by historians and scholars, and cites their views and took him from the others; to evaluate their news or appropriate weighting to reality after treating the historical and literary information.

References used
ألتونجي, د. محمد, 1999م, المعجم المفصل في الأدب. ط2, دار الكتب العلمية, بيروت.
بدوي, د. أحمد, 2003م, الحياة الأدبية في عصر الحروب الصليبية بمصر و الشام. ط2, دار نهضة مصر, القاهرة.
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This paper reveals critical issues dealt with by al-Sharif al- Murtadah in his poetry. These issues were then dealt with by critics of the day. Al-Murtadh included in his poetry such themes as ''The Nature of poetry" ; "Incentives to artistic inno vation"; as well as themes dealing with expressions; meaning; variety; succinctness and digression; and poetic citations from other poems. All this verifies his being wellinformed on the critical issues of his time.
This article is aimed at identifying descriptive letters and their genres of Imaduldeen Al-Asfahani - a poet and one of the greatest men of letters who had knowledge of both Arabic and Persian cultures in the 6th Century Hegira - as well as studyin g descriptive letters objectively and artistically, and revealing their role in describing the Islamic Community in the 6th Century Hegira, this article is also discussing the topics included in descriptive letters such as, the descriptions of the actions of the Sultan, cities, nature, life, the Roman and their traditions, epidemics, disasters, etc. so, this article is focusing on studying descriptive letters and their genres, and valuing the role they played in describing all aspects of life in that century.
The extended text, that contains much paragraphs, is built on parts. These are phrases, clauses, sentences. Text,s linguists try to pass sentence for the whole of text, but they don,t ignore considering that a sentence is the basis of analysis and interpretation. Collocations are a"micro semantic units" in a text, but grammatically they are sentences, phrases, or clauses. These structures are able to give the macro semantic units, which the producer intends to show to the receiver by several manners, or process, whereas, part refers to whole. Collocations may be a nucler topic storing the text,s macro semantic units, in one part, or contain correlating " themes" to reffier to it, in second part, or include connotations united to reffier to it, in third part. R.Barthes declared that producer is dead, and J.Kristiva said that text is opened , so receiver contributes in reproducing, according to his cultural background, knowledge of the world, and experiences. Our Study depended on "voice,scollocations", and its role in "Coherence" in Narrative Text:( Ghadah al-Samman,s "Beirut 75").
The poetic rebels movement was the first rebellious movement in the history of the Arab poetry، when those rebels declared their disobedience and denied the jahili poetic tradition، revolting، assaulting، addicting to adjust things and defeat the alienation. And the rebellion Shanfara made was not but an expression of self impulses، which refused the injustice and tended to revenge from injustice. It is a rebellion mixed with human self-assertion، contesting with society to confirm one's own existence. And the experience of Shanfara is a unique one with relevance to alienation and rebellion attitude، an attitude that presents one of basic human ones against society.
This research studies the phenomena of "Al-Tadweer" and "Al- Tadmeen" in the poetry of Ibn Al- Nakeeb, and paves the way for subsequent discussion by defining them and examining their terminology, then summarizes the critics views on them. After examining these two terms practically, the research concludes that the cultural environment had noticeable impact on disseminating them generally and in the poetry of Ibn Al-Nakeeb particularly.
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